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The Weekette

The most successful chapter event in history.

The Weekette / Checklist / Checklists


Individual Lists

Personal Equipment ListSteve Clark
Registration Forms for Adults (18-20) attending Winter Camp in personSteve
Registration Forms for Adults (21 and up) attending Winter Camp in personSteve
Registration Forms for Scouts (under 18) attending Winter Camp in personSteve
Registration Forms for Winter Camp at HomeSteve

Group Lists

At Home Kit13 items, 13 acquiredSteveComplete
At Home Task List47 items, 45 acquiredEthan ReinComplete
Grits Kit12 items, 11 acquiredSteveComplete
USB Drive Contents3 items, 3 acquiredSteve DComplete
XLV May 3 Planning Meeting Tasks10 items, 7 acquiredSteve D.Open