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The Weekette
Site Revisions

Still a tradition despite being ruined hundreds of times since 1977

The Weekette / Site Revisions

Site Revisions

As you might imagine, maintenance is a near constant on a site like this. Even after nearly 25 years, we're adding new content and features nearly every week.

Numerous changes related to removing non-planning and execution content from the site.
Added about 30 images from Ethan to the XLV gallery.
If you use the search feature in the Encyclopedia and there's only one result, it pushes you to the item page and avoids a click.
Many changes made to support creating a test version. Also, remvoed the list of recently changed files from this page because it was just too big.
First round of pictures are loaded for Winter Camp XLV. There are more nature/outdoor shots than usual.
Cosmetic and functional improvements to the footer section for camp history.
Moved the pay for winter camp link to the top of the page on the main and XLV pages.
Modified the style for bulleted and numbered lists. If you see a list and it looks weird, please let me know.
Added preparation and detailed instructions to the activity list and made that data available on add and edit screens and some of the activity details.
In a milestone moment, we've reached 500 activity ideas with Hazardous Mitigation data.
Modified the bottom of all pages. Changed the payment link from paypal to Black Pug
Corrected an error on the Risk Mitigation Worksheet Report which left some artifact data for activities we've never held.
Up;loaded a selection of old forms to make sure they're available to someone other than me.
Uploaded the Event Procedures Book which fills in some gaps in short-term camp requirements.
Can now embed an audio file in the Encyclopedia Wintercampica. The first one is the Posthorn Gallop.
Corrected a syntax error which had shut off most of our javascript functions.
Reformatted the calendar to look better.
Added the first ever Ceon job to the site to send a weekly email to
Corrected a bug which left the leadership team listing blank on the Winter Camp pages in the EWC.
Updated the kitchen manual with some new charts and graphs, removed a bunch of spelling and grammatical errors.
Worked with Mark and Ethan to revise the WCUES, then made a page to calculate. Created some support pages to display traditions and impacts.
Added to camp pages to link to details of their WCUES scores.
Newly uplated pdf files now appear in the revised file list on the Revisions page.
Added scans of all known newspapers; we may be complete now. Cleaned up some titles. Added a new field so newsletters will show up in the appropriate EWC entry.
Added new columns to the newspaper table and then modified display orders to use them.
Added a number of schedules thanks to Jeff. Now only 2 remain I and X.
Added schedule for Winter Camp X. For Winter Camp I, we added a list of meals and activities. We're now complete.
Converted a bunch of hobby pages to php since they were throwing errors in the bad links section.
Modified the error page to better handles some new spoof urls we're receiving.
Added features to associate meals and activities with themes.
Mitigation reports now include the ability to include notes. Currently there are two default notes: movies have to be screened and rated G, PG, or PG13 and Multi-station events have to have an HMD on each station.
Significant changes to the generation of Hazard Mitigation Documents. About 250 now created automatically.
Additi8onal significant changes to the various planning, activity, and menu pages.
Activity Review doesn't show banned activities.
Moved the task list creation into the planning menu.
Modified schedule details to include time and to use it when defaulting the time of the next event.
Moved the schedule creation into the planning section.
Created the ability to query themes by keyword.
Created the ability to query activities by keyword or category.
Added duration to the activity database. Modified a number of pages to allow display or editing of duration.
Modified page bottom to display a message when there is more content/functionality for users who are logged into the site.
Added various tools related to Risk Mitigation Worksheets.
Fixed the View Themes page so it actually worked.
Added a way to lock the title on a page when it appears on the revisions page.
Started adding Help sections for some of the pages to explain the various fields and some of their effects.
Added the ability to display a help button on pages which have a help page defined.
Proofread a bunch of activity entries and corrected errors. Also added categories where they were missing.
Added Category to the pages to edit and add activities. Converted the data to title case instead of uppercase.
Added additional resources to the Leader's Guide, mostly in the form of agenda and assignment templates.
Anyone can add a trivia question and see some stats about current correct answers, like most common answers, and questions by people.
Added a number of filters to the Winter Camp planning list, plus changed the display to include category.
Made a minor change to the footer of all pages to include a link to our area.
Changed the link text on the main page to include the year of the previous and current Winter Camps.
Added the high/low importance images to the task check list.
Added some new tasks related to service.
Generate checklist is now additive, so t can run again without duplicating everything.
Added links to the Winter Camp XLV planning checklist to the leader's guide and planning for WInter Camp XLV.
Show first name and last initial for youth on the history and planning checklist pages.
Created and launched the planning checklist based on the list in the Leader Guide.
You can now claim a vacant leadership position for a camp we haven't held yet.
Changes to update the planning pages for Winter Campx XLVI to L to the latest versions.
Changed the way the WCU Network page works to draw from a database and added some affiliated and planned sites.
When adding a new activity, meal, or theme, the system will show you other items with similar names and let you click through to edit the existing items.
Input boxes are now pale blue with a slightly rounded corner.
Changed the style sheet so all buttons should now be blue.
Changed the style sheet so all buttons should now be blue.
This page now shows a list of files which have been changed in the last week each time you look at it.
Added a large number of WCFS Minutes and evaluations for Winter Camps XXXiX to XLII.
Made a number of changes to the WCFS pages.
Numerous revisions to the Encyclopedia WinterCampica including corrections working and the ability to embed content in the display for an entry.
Modified photos so you can (if signed in) associate a picture from the WInter Camp history photo galleries to a specific EWC Entry.
Added the Winter Camp news.
Made a bunch of cosmetic changes to the Planning pages.
Added review page and edit pages for themes.
Corrected some issues with the activity and meal pages.
Moved the Recipe Creator and Person Creator to the maintenance area.
Update the Encyclopedia WinterCampica.
Added a number of triggers and ensure the newsfeed handled them.
Several changes to activity pages as I added some and wasn't totally happy with the results.
Added a trigger and display for adding activities.
You can now take a trivia quiz of only questions about a particular Winter Camp.
Adjusted the newsfeed to better handle lots of new items being changed in a short period of time.
Some changes are just for my benefit.
Added some tools to evaluate the Trivia questions.
Set up the form to add new trivia questions.
Several revisions to the WCFS section including a section menu and some updates to the membership and participation pages. Comments welcome.
Updated the roster for Winter Camp XLIV. Please check it for errors.
Made several revisions to the pages for editing meals and activities.
Added more pictures of Winter Camp XLIV.
Added a menu to the pages in the History for Winter Camp XLIV. Might add it to other sections later if people think it's good.
Add Chapter and Lodge to the display of camp histories. Please feel free to correct me if you see anything incorrect.
If there's no calendar event to remind people of, then you get a link to a random site in the Winter Camp Universe
If there's no calendar event to remind people of, then you get a link to a random site in the Winter Camp Universe
Modified the way leaders are displayed on the new planning pages.
Added more pictures submitted by Ethan through shutterfly.
Added new entries to the Encyclopedia. I have to get the roster updated before I run the parser.
Converted to the new chapter and lodge websites, changed the lodge name.
Changed the current and previous camp information.
Added the library page to the camp footers to show all documents created for that camp; so far it's only set up for Winter Camp XLIV, but it will continue and I may backfill as I backfill the Library.
Uploaded photos for Winter Camp XLIV.
Added captions to the photos page. You can only add captions if you're logged in.
Made the newsfeed less verbose by combining multiple items in a short period of time into a single update.
Added some navigation and start times to the Daily pages for Winter Camp at Home.
Added significant amounts of content to the At Home section.
Added content for the individual days of Winter Camp At Home.
Added the online Vocabulary Test and linked it to the WCFS Participation Award Page
Marked Winter Camp Local as Cancelled and tried to remove it from forms and other pages. It's in place on the main planning page for historical purposes.
User accounts are now available. If you have suggestions for things where they'd be useful, let me know.
Added the checklist function to Winter Camp to allow creation of checklists and discussion where needed.
Added the checklist function to Winter Camp to allow creation of checklists and discussion where needed.
Added a calendar to the tools for the Winter Camp site.
Added a reminder feature to the header of the pages
Created a tool to add to the library and then display pages based on tags.
Changes to the home page to try to make important links more obvious and remove some of the junk.
Added flyers and registration form to the site in several places.
Library additions now appear in the newsfeed.
Added separate pages for At Camp, At Home, and Local versions of Winter Camp. All can be reached from the home page and/or the main planning page.
Updated the way the roster for camp determines who was a guest. Previously guest belonged to a person, now it belongs to camp attendance. Also modified the bigroster to not exclude guests.
Trivia added to the menus. A large number of trivia questions (about 150) were added.
New chapter of Zero Node plus a reader survey
Fixed a bug in Trivia where Mark Bollman--> was always wrong even if it was correct.
Fixed a bug in Trivia where Mark Bollman--> was always wrong even if it was correct.
Tightened some data in the Winter Camp Histories to facilitate automated questions for trivia.
Validated a variety of trivia questions and added them to the database.
Added additional leaders to Winter Camps where we had the data
Added a new chapter to Zero Node.
Added the newsfeed feature.
Added News Feed to the site navigation and to the Most Popular Pages section in the main page.
Added the detailed meal and roster information for items with the new schedule and meals page.
All histories and history pages now updated. Evaluations, Hobby Draw, and Balance Sheet are not drawn from the database; everything else is.
People entries now show awards and accolades in the Encyclopedia WinterCampica.
Created a new Hall of Honors page in the reference section to show awards earned by Winter Campers.
Winter Camps XI - XX now have updated histories and other pages including calling on phpscripts and normalizing the roster.
Winter Camps I - X now have updated histories and other pages including calling on phpscripts and normalizing the roster.
Released Ins and Outs of Winter Camp and Executing Winter Camp to the website.
Cleared a bunch of link errors.
Restored the mailbag to the unconventional section.
Fixed links in the Winter camp Store, then added a link to it in the menu.
Added all the old news files back so if you click on main page news there will always be news even though most of it is of a very general nature.
Added a section on the history of the Ceremonial Committee in the Unconventional section.
Placemats are now included in the archive of documents for Winter Camps XXXVII, XXXVIII, XXXIX, and XLI.
Histories are done except for Winter Camp I and some in the teens.
Minor changes to the 404 page.
Added a new chapter to Zero Node.
Made changes to several different versions of history,
Schedules and meals for XXII - XXXIV except for XXIX updated to the database version.
Recropped and reloaded pictures for Winter Camps up to XXX. Beyond XXX there aren't many scans so recropping isn't needed.
Standardized the way pictures are displayed.
Schedules are now updated for Winter Camps XXXV and up.
Corrected photos for Winter Camp XXVII and also changed to the more standard format.
Changes to the 404 page.
Changed the names of the /rfrnc and /weird directory to /reference and /unconventional respectively.
Changed the output of the postmark project -- it's now in the database and it is updated with current attendance.
Added publication history to people in the EWC
Converted poetry section to new format.
Added various leadership guides and the Book of Worship to the site.
Converted After the Apocalypse to new format.
Converted Another Ten Seconds to the new format.
Uploaded the WC Casino Guide
Added project history to people in the EWC.
Can now maintain the skunkworks pages using the site. Not perfect but better than a stick in the eye.
People in the EWC now show their nicknames as an AKA if they have one.
Updated documents and some tools in the library.
Removed more obsolete content.
Converted the Movie and Promo sections to the new format.
Converted short stories and Paradox Metaphor to the new format.
Updated library database with corrections to all data.
Created a database for library documents as well as some tools to display them. Deployed it on this year's planning page.
Converted WCFS Pages
Converted Postmark pages
Created Weird and Media sections and added some content (more to come)
Changed the background shade of blue to a richer color.
Converted Autograph pages.
Converted a bunch of pages which are now in the Weird section
Made some menu adjustments
Made semi-major changes to the main index page.
News link on the front page now works at least until the end of July.
Corrected everything in References section.
Patched holes in the Hall of Fame which should work now.
Added a table for newsletters and created a new page to see all of them as well as new pages to view them in the Winter Camp histories
Added more archives for VII - IX and XI.
Corrected some issues with the tools for adding meals and activities.
Added archives for Winter Camp IV - VI. More are coming.
Created tools to review activities, edit them, and add them. Changed the Activities menu in the planning pages.
Significant changes to the meal and activity databases. Updated pages to accommodate those changes. Created tools to review meals, edit them, and add them. Changed the Meals menu in the planning pages.
More data maintenance related to activities and meals. New schedule format uploaded for Winter Camps II, III, XIII, and XLIII. The first three didn't have schedules before.
New pages to show activity and meal details from schedules. Not all activities and meals have many details.
A lot of data maintenance on the activity and meals lists.
Corrected the display of many of the photo pages.
Made changes to the views for themes, activities, and meals after noticing some differences in results. Now they are all the same. They could still be wrong, but they are consistently wrong, which is key.
Added links to Instagram, Facebook, and Discord.
Converted the History for Winter Camp XXVI. Another one with a lot of hard files.
Added 409 pictures to Winter Camp XLIII
Histories for Winter Camp XXVII - XXIX updated to the new format.
Histories are now complete through Winter Camp XLIV. Also added data for meals for all camps using the Meals database.
Realized the random slogan in the header was going to generate a lot of false positives for Alan's subscription service and created a way to make the slogan fixed.
Reformatted Zero Node, modified the error page to be more complete.
Fixed the counter on the main page, mostly to annoy K2.
Only got through the histories for XXI and XXII this time. It would be easier if I wasn't trying to preserve the old stuff like the individual pages for days at XXI. I did eliminate the forms for posting into those histories.
Converted the Encyclopedia WintrCampica to the new format.
Updated the histories for XXIII- XXV. It might seem slow, but it was almost 150 files which had to be changed. I did find some great content along the way though.
Used the Encyclopedia WinterCampica to look something up. Made improvements in the search and category listings. Took out errant div and styles.
History is converted through Winter Camp XX. I found some pictures we had scanned but never put on the web in the first 10 Winter Camps.
After being shut down for almost two decades, the guest book is active again. It has our standard Scout Law verification question. It generated a lot of errors which is why it was fixed.
Made a change to the way pages from the Skunkworkds and the EWC appear if they are shared to FaceBook
Converted /planning and associated pages to the new format; corrected come errors as well.
Converted /thewall and associated pages. Restored the stacks so you can now look at old pages; also fixed the next/previous page functions in The Wall.
Started working on a redesign of the site to have better navigation and a more consistent appearance.
Converted /skunkworks and /history/index.php to the new layout
Converted the revision list to a database.
Added a custom 404 error page. Among other things, it will record broken links so I can fix them.
Deleted directories: /activities, /admin, /avantgo, /awimages, /bollmanos, /bong, /cards, /counters, /dhqx, /doomtown, /guesswho, /javascript, /krispykreme, /maps, /ourawards, /projects, /raw, /redesign, /ril, /sounds, /troop1373, /wcu
Added the Scout Law check to change request for the Encyclopedia WinterCampica to discourage spam.
Added the initial listings for the WInter Camp Skunkworks
Added the /planning section which collects reports on themes, activities, and meals.
Added the ability to include an image as part of an Encyclopedia WinterCampica entry.
Not part of the site, but Winter Camp has an instagram at wintercamp_fs
Categories are added to the EWC online as is category-based search.
The EWC is updated to match the latest printed version.
Updated the pecking order
Added a new entry to the Winter Camping advice section.
The schedule for this year's event is now posted in the planning section.
Added information on the planning meeting (scheduled for Friday Nov 28 at 1:00 pm) and the registration form for Winter Camp XXXII to both the front page and the XXXII planning page.
Added more pictures of Winter Camp XXXI
Updated the Encyclopedia WinterCampica to the latest version.
Added the newsletters, hobby assignments and hobby log to the Winter Camp XXXI section.
Updated Winter Camp XXXI with pictures. Created page for Winter Camp XXXII.
Updated histories for Winter Camps XXX and XXXI. Updated Who's Who including rewriting the pecking order and the listing pages.
Added most of the content for Winter Camp XXX, added links for Winter Camp XXXI
Many updates to the histories for XXIX and XXVIII. More pictures added courtesy of Mark Bollman-->, Paul Kupser, and Gordon Draper.
Added another chapter of Zero Node.
Numerous changes to support the new camp on the horizon.
Zero Node debuts on the WCU.
Added minutes and other notes pertaining to Winter Camp XXIX in the planning section.
Added the forms and the paypal payment options for Winter Camp XXIX. More to come later today.
Most pictures of Winter Camp XXIII, Hobby Demo and log, planning pages for XXIX
Added pictures of day one of Winter Camp XXVIII
Added Calendar and Schedule for Winter Camp XXVIII. Added new meals and activities to the general list.
Added the minutes of the November 7 meeting, the registration form, and the opportunity to pay via paypal.
Finished adding previous activities to the activity list, added most descriptions. Modified the appearance of that list and the associated details.
After many non-functioning moons, the greeting cards once again work. No, I didn't add any Valentine's ones (yet).
Added the minutes for the XXV WCFS meeting.
Added the minutes for the Society meeting of Winter Camp XXVII and the Limerick for Winter Camp XXVII. Updated some history for Winter Camp XXVI and XXVII.
Added pictures for Winter Camps XXVI and XXVII (yes, I'm sometimes that slow). Added newsletters for XXVII (some still pending).
Added comments area for Winter Camp XXVIII, updated who's who and pecking order.
Posted menu and latest roster.
Added the Roster so far. At this point, Highpoint may not be a problem.
Thanks to a timely assist from Mark, the site now has a vastly improved activity list. More improvements and meals are next on the agenda.
Added a history for Winter Camp XXVI.
Fixed the Trivia Now! (the one that scores), made the whole Who's Who section work again including updating the pecking order and the roster items.
Corrected the tool that allows me to post these updates. Added the Cstchphrase, explanation of the catchphrase, and Winter Camp Universal Evaluation System score to the history of each Winter Camp.
Restored most remaining content. Corrected problems with the archives of the wall.
Corrected problems with the speed frame and the cookies. Both should work correctly now.
Updated the Epic Limerick Cycle for the first time in about 5 years and the site for the first time in 5 months. I'm a slacker.
Updated all the existing chapters and added the final chapters (totalling 80,666 words) to Another Ten Seconds. That's right, Jeff is done.
Added the newsletters for days 2 and 5 to Winter Camp XXVII
Added the newsletters for Winter Camp XXVI.
Updated the theme, meals, and activities pages. Added planning pages for Winter Camp XXVII. Added Evaluation, final roster, and some other items for XXVI. Corrected the SpeedFrame to work correctly and added Winter Camp XXVII to the mix.
Added pdfs of the complete manual for Winter Camp XXVI and just the new pages in the palnning section.
Added the information for the College of Winter Camping (mostly the Associate's Degree program) to the WCU pages.
Added the first shot at a tentative roster and cabin assignment.
Began the process of creating a better store on the Winter Camp site. Added a few products to the store(s).
Just in time for Christmas there are about 30 new products in the store including Rand Institute of Leadership, Ask Dr. Beast, Universal Measurement System, and One Part Words merchandise. As always, other products are available on request. If you're thin
You can now see the alleged description of each activity for Winter Camp XXVI on the Schedule. You can also make comments/suggestions or volunteer to handle an activity.
You can now pay for camp via PayPal or get camp and a t-shirt for a dollar off using the Cafepress store. All the links are on the Winter Camp XXVI Planning page.
The Registration Form for Winter Camp XXVI is now available.
Added a bunch of new products to the Winter Camp Store just in time for Christmas. (Actually, there are a number of Christmas products in there too)
Added meeting notes and current schedule to the XXVI pages.
Thanks to my new scanner and a looong visit from Mark-->, Doug and Alan, we have new pictures for Winter Camps III, IV, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX and XX. More to come for later camps.
Added a new Thanksgiving card.
Added a section for debating the merits of a "Winter Camp University" education and training program at
Comments are more than welcome.
Updated volumes g, k, p, w, x, and y of the Encyclopedia.
Made a number of changes in the project pages.
To the delight of a handful, the indifference of many and the utter chagrin of a few, Gump Logo items are now available in the Winter Camp Store. Our thanks to Ryan Brake for designing the logo and stealing his brother's email long enough to send it.
Changed the navigation in the Encyclopedia WinterCampica, corrected some minor formatting issues in some volumes, put Volume U with the U's instead of the Z's. Added date to the Encyclopedia changes. Made a change that impacts only me.
Updated the Encyclopedia WinterCampica. I must be getting better at this stuff - this used to take days, now it takes hours and (I think) it's better than it's ever been. Comments, suggestions, and whatnot all gleefully accepted.
Added the 87th item to the Winter Camp store. You can now get 5 different clocks, 6 different frisbees and 6 different license plate frames. As always let me know if there's anything special you'd like.
More items for the store including license plate frames and frisbees. Clocks are rumored to be later today and there's free shipping on orders over $50 until June 9.
Even more items in the store. I'm probably going to have to organize it better soon, but there are now frosted mugs, travel mugs, visors, polos, aprons and more in the store. Let me know if there's anything else we should add.
Added the much hoped for Youth Yodel
Woohoo! The Winter Camp Store has (at last) been updated with a ton of new products just in time for your favorite Easter Basket (heck, you could even use the totebag as your favorite Easter Basket). At any rate, click on the Winter Camp Store, right on
Added the Goon Gazette and the Post-Camp News for Winter Camp XXV. The Youth Yodel is coming soon. (Note: They're in Adobe Acrobat, the first time that's been done for something other than a form).
Several new Bios posted, still room for more. To see them all, go to the Whos Who and do a search on "details" (leave out the quotes). Also added a graphic display to projects and separated the list into current and complete projects.
Posted everything except the newsletters section for Winter Camp XXV, so it's more or less "closed".
Added the horrifying "your project for Winter Camp x should be at least y% complete" to the news. Added pictures to some of the bios (more later). Noticed that a disturbing number of campers had never gone to
You can test the new Universal Cookie at
In addition to being useful across multiple machines, it also offers a shortcuts menu and the chance to pick up to three of your own Winter Camp favorite pages (maybe more later).
Suggestions are welcome, as is testing. I know the reload link once you register is broken; a fix is forthcoming.
Some general cleaning and bug-fixing, the survey now shows in order by most recently answered, the category quizzes don't ask for your name (since they didn't use it). Release the Postmark Project, which you can reach from Just for Fun on the main menu or
Changed the Self-Scoring trivia page so you can see high scores without taking a quiz and so there are fewer links on the page.
Added about 350 trivia questions to the list on the front page. On the one hand, you should get fewer doubles, on the other hand, it makes the survey less likely to come up.
Corrected the revisions problem, removed the old surveys in favor of new ones (you can still get the old answers), added/updated WCFS pages including Future Olympics XXV results, updated event list.
Completed work on the news system and converted all the complex buttons to simple links. You can now bookmark the news ( and it will be current when you hit it.
In honor of Ethan's birthday, I changed the news to read from a data file (same as the wall) instead of including text files from me. Next up? You can add your own events, probably later this week.
Completed the captions. Updated the whos who for XXV. Rob Hartwig is now the top youth and in the top 20 (albeit 20th) on the revised version of the pecking order.
Added the evaluation form (linked off the main page), day five pictures, some other rediscovered pictures, and a tool that captions all the pictures and makes it possible to just click through them in date order. (Technically, only about half the pictures
Added more info to the Winter Camp XXVI planning pages, corrected news so it would show the correct Winter Camp (at least until 40) in the countdown, changed the list to the actual list at yahoogroups (also on the news), and changed the revisions so they
Added planning pages for Winter Camp XXVI
Updated with pictures of day four.
Updated with pictures of day three.
Updated with pictures of day two.
Updated with pictures of day two.
Updated with pictures of day one.
Added the ability to suggest Squaw Point signs.
You can now suggest foods for the 162 dish banquet
Who's Who can now show you pecking list order.
Added random and category quizes to self-score, fixed another project bug.
Fixed a minor bug in the Who's Who, Modified the survey and results to collect and show the date last voted on.
Fixed a minor bug in the project pages
Added Survey Says which shows all quizzes and results.
Completed the survey section as part of pop quizzes.
Completed the project pages. Added the popquiz section.
Final (for now) WCFS content - more suggestions welcome, projects page now allows add, list projects, and view details. Updating projects, adding comments, and logging progress are coming soon.
New Survey, revised WCFS content, change to cookie on The Wall and SpeedFrame.
Sample projects page
Completed Encyclopedia WinterCampica updates, including some revisions to the revisions <g>
Updated volumes A - R of the Encyclopedia WinterCampica
May have fixed SpeedFrame.
Numerous updates to the WCFS Section.
Updated the Trivia pages to reflect that the year is 2001.
Luckily, Kristie is barred from pointing out that I've ignored this site for two months (well okay, haven't done anything new on this site that I got around to mentioning until now)
Corrected some parallelograms
Corrected some issues with WC XX News.
During March, I killed some parallelograms.
Corrected some Roster problems
Added some greeting cards.
I couldn't even guess what I might have done during February.
New counter for the front page keeps track of daily and weekly visitors. (Yes, I wrote it in perl).
Update the Who's Who. Look for a script-based search of this data sometime this week - likely inclusions include ability to search by first & last camp and pecking order.
Added pictures for Day Five, a few more for Day Three and lots of movies!.
Added balance sheet, history and evaluations for Winter Camp XXIV.
Added planning page for Winter Camp XXV.
Modified pages where needed to look at Winter Camp XXV, rather than XXIV.
Added the schedules for all the days I have a schedule for.
Added Winter Camping hints, Chapter 7, and the form for this year's camp.
Added ideas and meals for each of the themes; added Mars Attacks, which had been inadvertently left off earlier.
Added a new mailbag item, updated the index.
Numerous changes to The Wall.
Added new serial: Another Ten Seconds by Jeff Rand
Numerous changes in support of ATS.
Added new fiction: The Omega Project by Jeff Rand.
Added E-greetings, Updated Mailbag, added mailbag and greetings to speedframe.
Moved the new slower loading copy of the Scouting Webring to the Rings and Ribbons Page.
Revised the sitemap
Added new idea pages
Added date to new idea submissions
Created '99 archive
Changed main page (slightly).
Added the more or less complete sitemap.
Added a new mailbag item
Added the Perpetual Calendar
Removed a few parallelograms that still lived
New Ask Dr. Beast Button.
Added a new list (provided by Jeff Rand) to the Book of Lists.
Updated several Encyclopedia entries; removed the style sheet from the wall to make it accessible to the technology-challenged.
Changed the main page to a JavaScript instead of a CGI.
Added the gallery of photos for Winter Camp XXIII, no explanations, just pictures
Added Correspondence section.
Fixed the Wall Archives
Corrected an error on The Wall that sometimes destroyed cookies
Added the Newsletters section (actually done a while ago).
Changed some references from XXIII to XXIV.
A little clean-up of some misplaced ovals and trapezoids.
Received the Critical Depth Award.
More ovals, some buttons, and a fix to the speed frame link for activities.
Lots o' changes as the ovals begin to replace the parallelograms.
Updated my Wish List
Started creating a bolder, more graphic look for the site in both Framed and Unframed versions
Added the Help Page.
Received the Artis Info Site Award.
Added Winter Camping section
Added First Person to SpeedFrame
Changed the ATA date on the Sitemap.
Added 2 chapters of ATA
Added ATA to SpeedFrame.
Added Hobby info for Winter Camp XXIII, updated results for XXII.
Created the '99 year for the trivia and high scores
Corrected a problem with links on the autograph page and in the formatting of some links.
Fixed many (someday, every) broken links on the webpage.
There are now 647 pages on the site, not including the Wall Archives, which would add more than 100 additional pages
Fixed the formatting for new autographs.
Removed the irony
Changed my wishlist.
Catch up posting: Added two more personal hobby pages and three more links (yep, one's broken).
Updated some copyright statements - one day I'll get them all
Corrected a broken link on the history page.
Updated the financial results for Winter Camp XXIII.
Added the Winter Camp Manual and appropriate links.
Corrected more broken hobby links (I moved some stuff around earlier).
Corrected a broken link on the hobby draw page.
Corrected the countdown clock, which didn't work for Netscape users - the score is now tied for weird handling of getYear. Explorer returned 99 for 1999 and 2000 for 2000. Netscape (at least the version most people seem to be using), returned 99 for 99
Update the Who's Who for Winter Camp XXIII, added Winter Camp XXIV to the list of pages to be hit from the main page.
Started the pages for Winter Camp XXIV.
Modified the Speed Frames to automatically make you interested in any new pages added to the list.
Modified the Hobby Headquarters pages to show the personal sections and the date the last time the log was modified (if one exists).
Updated the WC XXII Roster, added Roster, Meals, History, Hobby, Hobby Log and Planning pages for Winter Camp XXIII.
Corrected a Javascript Y2K error in the News (not mine - the year function returned 2000 where before it had returned 99
Added pictures for days one and two.
Added pictures of day zero.
Updated the Schedule, Meals, and Index for Winter Camp XXIII
Fixed the hobby log, which had been broken since at least September - luckily, it's not exactly a high traffic page
I've been less than faithful with these updates, since the last one:
Changed the wall formatting, created an adults only game, corrected a Y2K bug in the cookies, added the balancesheet for Winter Camp XXIII, added several biographies, changed the format of whoswho to allow searching and make the pages smaller
Added Hobby Draw XXII
Added update for Monday
Added the minutes, equipment list, schedules, activities, meals and sign up forms for Winter Camp XXIII
SpeedFrame 2.10 allows you to set defaulting your name into forms as a default behavior.
Suggestions are welcome, but SpeedFrametmis now available, complete with configuration info.
Okay, so it took a while, but Speed Frame is more or less functional. The configure option is still missing, but will let you turn off pages if you want. If you refuse the cookie, you'll basically be looking at 1 - 7 day's worth of stuff (Maybe that'll
Made registration form available.
Changed main page links for Lodge
Added drop-down to individual theme days
Minutes for the meeting of 10/16 posted and discussion areas created
Added the theme days to the site map
Made 1998 suggestions for themes, meals and activities available (something I'd planned to do in oh, January of 1999)
Now that 1999 is nearly over, I've created a separate page for the 1998 Trivia and its results
Newsletters for XVIII and XIX; only 3 years to go, then schedules and meals!
Split the archive for The Wall (the list of available archives was becoming larger than some of the weekly postings) and create The Stacks, which lets you look up older wall postings).
Corrected a bug which had broken the archives about a week ago (and not even OV noticed! <grin>)
Newsletters for XV, XVI and XVII
Received the Nu Horizons Personal Site Award
Shortened this list
Indexed site, including history, the wall, and ancient folders.
Newsletters for XIV, some formatting on earlier newsletters
Added the original WCFS site, as launched on AOL.
Restored the confessional to the site map, library and fun pages.
Added more sites to the list of Scouting sites that offer awards
Changed colors back
Changed colors in main section
Changed some underlying technology so the wall can now be searched
Added the newsletters for Winter Camp XIII
Added new winners to the Scout IT Award
Corrected an error on the links page.
Lots of formatting and some actual work on the History pages
Really updated the index to show that several chapters of ATA had been added on September 9
Added the text of some of the newsletters for Winter Camp XI
Updated the index to show that several chapters of ATA had been added on September 9
Added the text of the newsletters for Winter Camp X
Added the Why I'm Big Bro page.
Added the text of the newsletters for Winter Camp IX
Until this moment, I had no idea I'd been neglecting this page so badly.
Updated the various histories (technically, I've started updating them; they aren't all done yet).
Received Michele's Award of Excellence
Received Angel's Award of Excellence
Decided that deleting references to the award index would be easier than making one
Reformatted the list of our awards very slightly.
Removed the Traditionally Unconventional Award (pending a non-sucky graphic); changed the Scout IT and TWL awards slightly; changed the main menu and re-ordered some stuff on the web rings page
Fixed broken links on the sitemap
Found the correct copy of the Winter Camp XXIII planning notes
Made some changes to the formatting of some of the Encyclopedia Wintercampica pages
Updated the Other section in the library
Modified the personality test page
Reviewed the Poetry pages, made some changes, added Mark Bollman-->'s entry for XXII to the cycle
Updated the movie pages
Fixed the links for pictures in the XXI and XXII histories.
Changed the links in the expanded menu so they'd work right
Moved Paradox Metaphor to its own directory and changed links to match
Corrected an error on the library index to make it work better
Fixed up some errors on Ron's hobby page
Reformatted the anwer pages for Ask Dr. Beast
Wished I had a faster internet connection
Added a personality test thing I got in the mail and converted to JavaScript
Uploaded most of the Library in corrected formats (names centered, single blockquote, table of contents, etc).
Fixed some non-standard graphics and linking in the Meals section
Corrected nearly every page in the XXII section
Fixed some non-standard graphics and linking in the Activities section
Corrected some bad links in the XXIII section
Fixed some non-standard graphics and linking in the Individual Hobby Log
Updated most of the autograph pages to make them look better; now need to update the content of those same pages
Fixed some non-standard graphics, formatting, and linking in the Hall of Fame
Updated all the survey pages to the current format
Fixed some non-standard graphics, formatting, and linking in the XXII Evaluation
Corrected some non-standard formatting in the add new meals, add new themes and add new activities sections
Added the new limerick for XXII to the Cycle
Changed the format of Ask Dr. Beast answers (wanna see the changes? Ask some questions!)
Corrected some non-standard formatting in the Links section
Corrected some non-standard formatting in the Encyclopedia Wintercampica
Corrected some non-standard formatting in Origins
Added a link for Ron's hobby page to the hobby log; corrected a broken link on that page
Changed the Scout IT! graphic to look a little more polished (in my opinion)
Realized just how badly I'd been neglecting this page
Uploaded a whole ton of files - Everything in References, The Library, all the Histories and all the rosters. Chances are, there are a few things wrong.
Created and loaded new buttons
Uploaded new graphics and criteria for the Scout IT! Award
Put the link to the WCFS back on the pages links (thanks to OV for spotting the orphaned pages)
Added Zero Node to the main page shortcuts
Added the El Mediodia banner to the main page
Corrected a heinous spelling error on the main page
Updated the search index
Modified the Adults Only Wall
Received the Mystic Fawn's Cool Site Award
Received the WS Member Nomination Award
Corrected a heinous spelling error on the main page
Added 4 chapters of After the Apocalypse
Received the Cheezy Grin award
Changed the way the no frames option worked
Fixed a problem with using the page link to go to the sitemap
Received the Hawk Award
Received the Bronze Award
Added a no frames option to the navigation menus
Changed the background graphic on the navigation menus
Added five new chapters of After the Apocalypse
Fixed missing links in the Adults Only section
Added some new Adults Only content
Switched to a new Buffy banner
Put the site map back on the "pages" list
Posted Laurel's Cool Site Award
Shortened the Site Map
Changed the main index from serious/not serious to categories and pages
Changed the way the "Awards" are presented and organized.
Made the intro pages look the way I always thought they'd look.
Added more graphics in a few places
Reworked some of the menu items.
Added the Index to the Encyclopedia
Fixed a bug in the frames version when trying to load The Wall
Added the images from the Promo Movie
Reeling from an assault on my manhood, I added the Fizzball pages even though it made me very late for work.
Fixed the hobby links.
Added a new poem
Made the Hobby Center available in the framed version.
Added an introduction to the Hobby Center
Reorganized Hobby Center as part of ongoing history project.
Added Chapters 1-10 of After the Apocalypse
Split the autographs into 7 sections; now I can add almost a dozen new ones I've been holding out on
Fixed the bugs in the add autograph thing, cleaned up a few things, reworked the dates for autograph updates
Killed the bug that was impacting Netscape users
Changed the colors in the main logo
Added the new history pages; schedules and whatnot coming soon; foreward is by Mark Bollman-->
Added Volume W.
Corrected several formatting errors
Corrected some errors in the contents menu for frames
Added links for the Complete Roster
Updated volumes H-Z, except W of the Encyclopedia
Updated volumes D-G of the Encyclopedia
Updated volumes A-C of the Encyclopedia
Completed the new colors on everything except the histories.
Corrected some errors on the WCFS pages
Added a new feature to The Wall Archive
Improved the reports for weekly scores in the trivia
Began changing the navigation and colors and what not. This will take a while, so be patient!
Updated the Book of Lists
Added the discussion page for Winter Camp XXIII and modified the sitemap to reference it
Updated the history and roster for Winter Camp XXII.
Updated the Who's Who list
Added the last of the lengthy bios I'd received; more would be welcome!
Finally got the new quiz to work.
Added the (weak) pages for Winter Camp XXII for Wednesday and Thursday.
Changed the main page to make it more clear where Winter Camp XXII was (you could only get to it by scrolling up on the list, not something most people think of)
I've done a bunch of stuff lately but haven't bothered to put it up.
Added some JavaScript to the main page to try and capture every 5000th visitor with a "Hey you're a 5000, please tell me who you are" form.
Added the sponsors page
Updated and fixed a handful (about 20) broken links and images. Probably more of the same tomorrow.
Changed the fonts on the sidebar in the framed version. You might have to hit reload/refresh to see it and you might not see it anyhow if you don't have Arial as a font
Changed the structure of the main and index page to get a better hit count and unite the two pages
Added a new survey
Changed the formating on new Ask Dr. Beast answers.
Expanded news again (thanks Doc!)
Added the ability to expand or collapse the whole tree on the frames. Once expanded, all the possible choices are shown. To collapse it, you have to hit collapse tree. (From a survey suggestion by Jeff Rand)
Adjusted the frame menus. Rewrote most of the intro segments (still not happy with most of them). Replaced some appearances of the old buttons with the new ones (guestbook, activity & meal suggestions)
New menus (in frames), New navigation lay out. Fixed missing link in the autograph page.
Put the autograph logging back on, but you need a password
Changed the site map around to eliminate a few things
Posted the first cut at the History for Winter Camp XXII.
Removed all the old suggestions to clear the deck for new ones.
Removed the Linkexchange stuff from all pages. We had 17 clickthroughs on our banner on roughly 10,000 displays; not exactly stellar performance
Corrected known issues in rosters and histories
Added the Awards Offered page for review
Fixed a small break on the autograph page
Added roster pages for all Winter Camps in the History section (click on the roster button in the history for that camp)
Finally exterminated the days to camp bug (I hope)
Added the much promised Roster page for Winter Camp XXII
Reworked the main page a little at OV's suggestion.
Moved the webring (which does work) to the Netlife page
Shortened this list considerably
Anyone can now add to the quote listings.
News now has a form, not that I've received a lot anyhow.
Fixed the error (I hope) in calculating the time 'til the next Winter Camp
Modified the available words for the hobby log; added a new fill-in word and the availablity of a blank in the choose section
Modified the Hall of Fame entries to look more like the rest of the similar entries, with a blank line separating entries.
Added the new hobby log, created the old one
Added the updates for Tuesday's activities
Updated Hobby Draw XXI
Heavily modified the planning sections
Posted the first update for this year
Added the Winter Camp XXIII section
Added the Fun & Games section to the frames version.
Revealed the Winter Campopoly Section.
Removed the interactive function and revealed the Autograph section
Fixed the bug in the Detroit Area Council webring. Look for much more action there soon.
Fixed a bug that plagued Netscape (and some IE) users (I think)
Received Iceprincess' Cool Site Award
Received the "So Cool It's Hot" award
Added way more news to the news feature
Added most of the info about Winter Camp XXII
Received the Good People's Choice Award
Received Terras Golden Award
Received the Pretty Good Page Award
Received Sid's Best of the Web Award
Received the Cyber Scans Award of Excellence
Received the Silver Award from Juno Enterprises
Received the All Star Award
Received Dystini's Excellence Award
Received the Everything Award
Received The Exminster Dot Co Cool Site Award
Began adding the bgproperties=fixed tag to make the snowflakes stay still (at least in MSIE)
Added a tag to the frame index to force it to load as the top page
Received the Icy Cool Award
Modified the Search and Search Results pages after Lou told me they did work.
Corrected one image on the Awards page that never loaded
Modified the Links page so if you actually pick a link, it doesn't load up in our frame.
Modified the main page to work the same way.
Received the Kaptivations Excellent Personal Web Page Award
Received the StarSaber Award
Added the search function based on a new service provided by Concentric; later discovered it was slightly non-functional. On the other hand at 2:54am, their response time is awesome (it's also awesome at 2:54pm, if you happen to be in the market for an IS
Revised the awards page to make it faster (I hope).
Added three new awards that we had received in the last week or so
Moved all the award images to try and reduce clutter in the images directory
Corrected some errors in the Winter Camp XXII planning section
Reworked the frames version to make it look better - let me know what you think
Added the Maintenance section to the menus for the web
You're not cleared for that
Corrected some color issues for users who did not support frames
Corrected the Origins document to show that Rip Van Winkle Council is in New York, not New Jersey
Made minor changes to frame wiDTh
Rolled out some bio updates and added the "details" button where appropriate
Changed the update biography form to make creating new ones a little easier.
Made the update biography form match the Who's Who list
Updated the list of quotes with some new items from Occasional Visitor and Lou Pezet (actually there were some doubles).
Changed the main page and completed most of the work on the Frames version; rolled both out
Added Steve Clark as youth for Canada Day
Corrected John Howey's e-mail on the Star Wars page
Corrected the link for the Order of the Arrow on the main page
Received the ScoutNet UK Recommended Web Site award
Recieved Adele's Groovy Home Page award
Corrected an error on the Trivia page
I think all the new graphics are in place; if I missed some, let me know
Origins is now on-line.
The History page has a new, longer introduction written by Mark Bollman-->
Updating titles and bottom of page navigation all over the place
Reformatted the Awards Page
Fixed up other wierd errors as I encountered them
Taking the plunge by adding new style buttons
Added drop downs to the individual days
Received the Golden Trash Can Award
Received the Cool Site
Corrected some errors on the main page.
Added the individual theme days to the site map
Received the Scouting Web Award for Excellence. Maybe we're an acquired taste...
Received the Web Wizard. Maybe we're not so bad after all...
Added pages for Winter Camp XXII
Decided I liked the new buttons better and started replacing them in things that used them. If you find anything I missed, let me know. So far I've changed them in History, Paradox Metaphor, and Encyclopedia WinterCampica
Updated the Overview and History pages
Added a page to view themes and to suggest them.
Received the Golden Eagle Award for excellence in Scouting webpages (our first unsolicited award, as far as I know)
Fixed a JavaScript problem on the main page that affected retrieving the news
Fixed the Dragon Weyr image
Signed up for some ribbon campaigns on the Net Life page
Added more info on past Hobby Draws than you probably knew we had
Received the Dragon Weyr Award
Changed the format of the news to include both smart and dumb quotes. Suggestions are welcome.
Corrected a broken link deep in the WC XXI pages
Updated my Wishlist
Corrected the Universal Measurement System entry in the Encyclopedia WinterCampica
Changed the main page
Added the Net Life page to show web rings and mailing list
New and improved version of the biography. Look for bigger changes later as I begin to master Perl
Snowflakes everywhere, visited links now magenta, unvisited yellow, background navy
Added the tote board to the daily news
Corrected a few entry errors here and there. Doctor Beast, Hobby Demo, Firsts, etc..
Removed the Banner survey
Changed the way we show banners (should get more displays now anyhow; added <Meta> tags to all the main pages.
Changed the format of the hobby page and reworked existing entries.
Added the first draft of the Hobby Page; more details as I develop them
Revised the WC: The Movie pages based on some feedback
Made the movie accessible under the main menu
Removed the extra Adults Only page link on the main menu
Added the first cut at WC: The Movie
You're not cleared for that either.
You're not cleared for that
Added the </marquee> tag to the wall
Added survey 5, Biographies
Recieved Ravi's Elite Site Award
Added the flakes to lots more pages
Added a copyright notice to most pages
The snowflakes have returned.
Added Survey 4, Pardon Our Dust?
Signed up for "Scouting Spider" webring
Received the "What The?" Award for Poetry
Added the only book written at Winter Camp to the Library
Added a new survey and reworked the old ones slightly
Posted results from our second survey
Modified the countdown to show days, hours and minutes as well as jiffys 'til Winter Camp (Jiffys suggested by John Howey)
Added the days 'til Winter Camp countdown to the news (suggested by Mark Bollman-->)
Received the Zilliare and Insomniac Shack Awards
You're probably not cleared for that.
Added new poetry to the Library
Added the form to give me the news. Check it out!
Received the Saturn Award for Creativity
Corrected a nagging bug in the News of the Day (Thanks John!)
Received the Mildly Interesting Site of the Day Award
Updated our link to show the new Mi-Gi-Si O-Paw-Gan Lodge Web Page
Received the Waterfalls Award
Fixed the Scouts on the Net Webring entry
Added to and corrected Who is Big Bro?
Added three animated banners to the Banner Contest
Posted my Wish List
Added Paradox Metaphor Chapter 6, fixed the table of contents
Joined two web rings, looking for more
Added more of Paradox Metaphor and made some changes to what was already there (not the words, the HTML behind them)
Changed the look of this page to look more like similar pages
Received Wynterfyre's Award of Excellence
Changed the Archive function to include the GO! function
Added the "Who is Big Bro?" dossier
Added the Winter Camp Book of Hobbies
Received the Bad Bob Award
Rewrote the Overview Section
Revised the sitemap to be more descriptive (and perhaps more friendly to outsiders)
Fixed one of the banners that was mispelled
Added the top ten meal themes from the Winter Camp Almanac to the Winter Camp Book of Lists
Received the Nibby Award
Wondered if I should listen to Big Bro.
Added the Mopsicle and Mr. Mom Awards
Added the Banner Survey
Corrected an error in the Winter Camp Symphony entry in the encyclopedia.
Added the first three chapters of Paradox Metaphor.
Added some text to the various fiction and poetry pages.
Added a half dozen Haiku and the haiku page
Corrected the Cover of Night Excerpt (wow, someone was actually reading the stuff!)
Fixed the DHQX graphics
Added Channel 120 Excerpts to the Library, updated the limerick cycle
Corrected the error still in the trivia maintenance and changed quiz 8 to comply
Added Training Camp to the Library
Removed one of the stories from the Library (Think of it as trivia in the making)
Decided I could do this real fast
Added the original Book of Lists to the Library. Should be adding ability to suggest changes and make new lists sometime tomorrow (I'm tired, sue me).
Steve Harig (LSH) becomes caller 5000!
Built the Library
Site Map is now accessible from anywhere (just about).
Lots o' stuff. Changed the main page, Standardized the button bar, changed the site map, and just generally changed a ton of things
Indulged Mark's vanity
Fixed up the quiz a little (look at Quiz 6 to see what I did.
Trimmed this file
Combined the peoples choice and the fixed links into one page
Changed the main page, just because I can (and because lots of folks said it looked wierd on their screens
resolution is a tricky thing.
Began a general neatening, tidying, and straightening project
Fixed a broken link on, curiously enough, the links page
Got lazy again. Several wall archives, changes to some Adults Only stuff, added DHQX wall for LSH
Corrected a minor issue in the Encyclopedia
Moved the Idea Zone to the "Serious Stuff" Side, where I had meant it to be in the first place.
Added the subpages of the Idea Zone to the sitemap
Corrected the missing tags in Who's Who
Hey, I'm up way too late now. Changed the Who's Who to show 1997 data. Wished 1058 guys weren't so long winded. Rewrote the program that generates the list so I can do it more often now.
Made the new meal & new activity forms point to the contest page
Let's just see if we can cash that idea a day dividend. The pages are up for activities, meals, and the generic schedule. Check them out under Idea Zone for more details
Changed the site map to show the last time a change was suggested
Its even bigger (I lost count) and it's much nicer
it's the latest version of the Encyclopedia, now including all the letters and some of the changes! Also resolves nearly all known issues.
Its big, 366 entries big, and it's the new, revised and expanded Encyclopedia WinterCampica. Take a look, cuz I'm sure to have some wierd tags and formatting in there somewhere.
I'm sorry, you're not cleared for that.
Changed the way the archive is viewed and added a ton more archives into the mix (you can now see every word Big Bro ever wrote)
Added the new trivia contest, including a bunch of maintenance pages that you'll never see (all my hard worked unnoticed again). sniff, whine
Added the WC Trivia page which becomes the first page ever contributed in HTML. It also qualifies Tom for a fairly exclusive club, basically consisting of me, him, and Mark as those who have created things for the web page.
Longest gap with no real change in history of the page (at least since it got put on Concentric). Actually, since Feb 14 I've trimmed the archives several times, but that's been about it. Chalk it up to bad attitude.
Mr. Romance adds the site map and modifies the Hall of Fame slightly Look for more updates soon (unless, of course, I get a life in the next two or three hours somehow).
Had visitor 2500, it was Dr. Beast. A while back, Jeff Rand was 2000 and Steve Harig, youth leader for Winter Camp XXII was number 1977.
got off my butt and added about 25 new files, including 5 new pages and a bunch of junk to support them. Check out the Winter Camp Hall of Fame
Added the new survey and results from the old one.
trimmed the graffiti, added the graffiti archive page, added height tags to lots of images to improve load speed. Wished I knew who Big Bro was. Changed the "lame" link on the Adults Only page.
changed the Ask Dr. Beast sample, added categories and a maintenance page and hilarity ensued
slow week. Added the new improved Ask Dr. Beast. Originally failed due to a programming error by our ISP, Concentric (now I don't feel like a moron).
Fixed the button on the almanac, monkeyed with graphics, fixed the front page, truncated the graffiti, and wished I knew who Big Bro really was.
You knew it had to be the Guest Book.
Changed the main page again (I was bored).
(a rare day off yesterday). Won the "Fly with Eagles Award"
Changed the main page to show both styles of navigation (table & go to)
Received the "Worth a Peek Award"
trimmed the revision list to show only January (yeah, yeah, there were a lot of revisions earlier this month that didn't show up; so sue me
received the "Critical Mass Award"
received the "Full of Hot Air Award"
added a links page, corrected some typos on the header.
changed the look of the main page (hopefully for the better)
corrected the link to graffiti from the main page; added a few things to the survey
three minutes later, removed the <pre> thing as it caused serious problems.
Added the survey, added a <pre> and </pre> to the wall, changed from <I> to <EM> which might make things better for Eric & other Mac users (let me know!). Fixed the wall. Please don't use HTML tags and leave them open.
trimmed off the wall archive
Less than faithful; in the last two weeks, we've had a major re-org of the page, added pages for the 31st, colorized the History and Encyclopedia pages, and generally spruced and fixed things up.
Added page for the 30th.
Added pages for 28 & 29, added back buttons.
Added the new hobby draw page, daily pages for December 26 & 27, and the hobby results for Winter Camp XX.
received the "Silver My Page Sucks Award"
made some link changes to fix broken links here and there.
removed the Area 51 link, added the awards link.
Added the roster on the Winter Camp XXI page, archived the wall.
Archived the wall
Had our 500th hit.
Added Area 51
Maps for Glenwood and Bollman's. Minor changes to Activity Guide and Schedule. Links for maps on WCXXI and Schedule respectively
Added the Activity Guide (first draft). Added links to the menus and activity guide to the schedule. Added leadership section to WC XXI section
Revised Encyclopedia to multi-volume with table of contents.
500th user
fixed the last revision, fixed links in history, wcfs, added trial whos who links to Hobby Draw, fixed TOP button in activities and meals, archived the wall, rearranged front page, removed round up, updated planning meeting for '98 data, fixed the index b
Added the Encyclopedia Wintercampica (it's a draft kids, don't freak out
the real HTML version will come later, when I have more time)
Added the Who's Who page and form.
Added the theme, schedule and meals for this year
T-11 hours to the planning m
check out the new graffiti page and tell me that Winter Camp doesn't rule...
T-13 hours to the planning meeting
just checking is all
Added forms to the pages for Ask Doctor Beast, Meals, and Activities.
Lots of stuff - new beast quote, better activity & meal listing, graphical logo link!
fixed the sound on the Adults Only warning page
added the sound to the Adults Only warning page
reached our first 100 users!
Added WCXXI & planning pages, corrected some e-mail addresses, Changed the index
Added the histories for WC XIX & XX (thanks Mark), corrected some errors here & there. Added a "Last Updated" to the index page, modified the Adults Only background pending the installation of security on the page.
Added some server includes, corrected links to accomodate them, more E-mail
corrected more link problems, added some mail information
Added, the dig; corrected some link problems
Changed colors <again!>, fixed some broken/badly pointed links
The beginning of the new era
Bunch of changes made; new site launched as WWW.WINTERCAMP.COM
added the Revision list to the Site Map; this should make it easy to tell if I've been monkeying with things
even more repairs and some new links added here and there
miscellaneous errors corrected, history put on-line, hobbies in WC home page
Winter Camp goes live on AOL.