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Migisi Opawgan Winter Camp Leader's Guides

Moms also say: "Wildly underpriced! I'd have gladly paid twice as much to send my boys away for the week."

The Weekette / Leaderguide / Migisi Opawgan Winter Camp Leader's Guides

Migisi Opawgan Winter Camp Leader's Guides



Task Template - this is the default list of tasks and deadlines for Winter Camp

Template Check - Just timing and titles.

XLVI Checklist - this is the 2022 list of tasks.


Executing Winter Camp
The definitive guide on how to successfully run Winter Camp from December 27-31.
Ins and Outs of Winter Camp
How to get things done on set-up and take-down days at Winter Camp.
Kitchen Manual
A book on how to be a cook at Winter Camp and the expectations of the crew. It includes information on how to use forms from the Meals database as well as some basic cooking and measuring advice.
Meals Manual
A treatise on successful meal planning and use of the Winter Camp Meals database.
Program Manual
A guide for creating a theme and schedule for Winter Camp as well as thoughts on successful activities and meals.
Winter Camp Event Procedures
This book covers a lot of the administrative, code of conduct, and medical and emergency procedures at Winter Camp. These elements were codified as required by the Short-Term Camp rules.
Winter Camp Leader's Guide
A list of key tasks for planning a successful Winter Camp.


Clean Up Assignment Template
Document used to create clean up assignments for Winter Camp.
Final Planning Meeting Agenda Template
Typical Agenda for the final planning meeting.
First Planning Meeting Sample Agenda
Sample agenda for the initial planning meeting.
Orientation Agenda Template
Sample agenda for orientation meeting at day 1 of Winter camp.
Set Up Assignment Template
Set up assignment templates for Winter Camp Set-up Day