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The Weekette
Winter Camp Leader's Guide: Task List

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The Weekette / Leaderguide / Winter Camp Leader's Guide: Task List

Winter Camp Leader's Guide: Task List

-1 1231 100 Spice and leftover food inventory created
-1 1231 150 Notes on issues with meals are collected at the end of camp and discussed at a post-camp evaluation.
-1 1231 200 Notes on issues with activities are collected at the end of camp and discussed at a post-camp evaluation.
-1 1231 250 Themes proposed for following year
-1 1231 300 Target items for replacement or addition to gear identified
-1 1231 400 Youth Leader for following year identified
-1 1231 450 Adviser for following year identified
-1 1231 500 Identify someone to take home bottles
-1 1231 550 Identify someone to take home and clean towels
-1 1231 4175 Collect food samples for historical purposes.
0 131 650 Write History
0 131 1000 Website Update: Planning page for next year
0 131 1050 Prepare and distribute the post-camp newsletter
0 131 1100 Evaluation data collected
0 131 1115 Updated food inventory into menu database
0 131 1150 Evaluation data collated and shared
0 131 1200 Meals Database updated with corrections
0 131 1250 Activities database updated with corrections
0 131 1300 Bottles Returned
0 131 1350 Manual Updated with new traditions and new nicknames
0 131 1400 Final Balance Sheet prepared
0 131 1450 Deliver report on Winter Camp at Chapter meeting
0 131 1500 Report service hours
0 131 1550 Provide updates on Social Media
0 131 1551 Create presentation (powerpoint or similar) for Winter Camp promotion
0 131 1750 Upload photos to Winter Camp Photo Share
0 228 1800 Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events
0 228 1805 Promote Winter Camp on social media channels
0 228 1850 Discuss theme, events, and meals online and in-person
0 331 1900 Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events
0 331 1905 Promote Winter Camp on social media channels
0 331 1950 Discuss theme, events, and meals online and in-person
0 401 12345 Conceive event
0 430 2000 Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events
0 430 2005 Promote Winter Camp on social media channels
0 430 2050 Discuss theme, events, and meals online and in-person
0 531 2100 Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events
0 531 2105 Promote Winter Camp on social media channels
0 531 2150 Discuss theme, events, and meals online and in-person
0 531 2200 Promote El Mediodia
0 601 7800 Complete Project Charter
0 601 12347 Recruit Volunteers
0 630 2250 Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events
0 630 2255 Promote Winter Camp on social media channels
0 630 2300 Discuss theme, events, and meals online and in-person
0 630 2350 Promote El Mediodia
0 701 6700 Complete Self-Assessment of Short-Term Camp readiness
0 701 12349 Charter approved
0 731 2400 Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events
0 731 2405 Promote Winter Camp on social media channels
0 731 2450 Discuss theme, events, and meals online and in-person
0 731 2500 Conduct First Planning Meeting
0 731 2550 Reserve Cabin
0 731 2600 Finalize Theme
0 731 2650 Determine Cost
0 731 2700 Prepare promotional flyer
0 731 2750 Hold El Mediodia
0 801 6800 Recruit Short-Term Camp Administrator
0 801 12351 Prepare and Submit Registration Form
0 801 12353 Submit Flyers and Marketing material
0 831 2800 Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events
0 831 2805 Promote Winter Camp on social media channels
0 831 2850 Distribute flyer at Chapter events
0 901 6900 Administrator completes initial assessment
0 930 2900 Reserve location for planning meeting
0 930 2950 Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events
0 930 2955 Promote Winter Camp on social media channels
0 930 3000 Promote Planning Meeting
0 930 7000 Address noted exceptions
0 1031 1155 Contact Rangers to discuss likely projects
0 1031 3050 Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events
0 1031 3055 Promote Winter Camp on social media channels
0 1031 3100 Promote Planning Meeting
0 1031 7100 Complete corrective assessment
0 1031 99999 Invite Lodge and Area Key 3 to attend or visit Winter Camp.
0 1101 773 Recruit Kitchen Adviser
0 1101 774 Recruit Activity Adviser
0 1101 776 Recruit Kitchen Leader
0 1101 778 Recruit Activity Leader
0 1107 7200 Send corrective assessment to council
0 1121 3101 Promote Planning Meeting
0 1121 3300 Coordinate service day and projects with rangers
0 1121 3580 Contact Rangers to set day for projects
0 1121 3590 Identify any special equipment requirements for projects
0 1122 3350 Collate new activity ideas from website(s), email, and previous evaluations
0 1122 3355 Collate new meal ideas from website(s), email, and previous evaluations
0 1122 3400 Create dead and live lists prior to the planning meeting.
0 1122 3600 Promote Shopping Trip
0 1128 3450 Conduct final planning meeting
0 1130 3051 Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events
0 1130 3250 Print Winter Camp Manuals
0 1130 3500 Publish Schedule
0 1130 3550 Monitor Soda Sales at local stores for good bargains
0 1130 3570 Spread Information about projects and equipment to membership.
0 1130 6658 Print Mitigation Sheets and add to the camp binder.
0 1204 7300 Complete Hazard Mitigation for current activities
0 1205 7400 Review assessments, forward to STCA
0 1215 7500 Complete final assessment for planning
0 1220 3052 Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events
0 1220 3107 Spread Information about projects and equipment to membership.
0 1220 3645 Final reminder of projects and equipment for members
0 1220 7600 Address concerns
0 1222 3650 Prepare activities
0 1222 3700 Prepare Meals
0 1222 3750 Monitor Activity Preparation
0 1222 3800 Monitor Meal Preparation
0 1222 3850 Custom 3D Printing
0 1222 3900 Gather recipes for meals
0 1222 3950 Use Meals Database to create final menu
0 1222 4000 Prepare and print the Pre-Camp Newspaper
0 1222 4050 Secure Campership Funding
0 1222 4100 Select catchphrase for previous Winter Camp and prepare new sign
0 1222 4150 Add Previous Year’s Food Samples to Display
0 1222 4200 Arrange for Ceremonial Gear needed for Time Capsule and other ceremonies to be at camp
0 1222 4250 Close registration
0 1222 4300 Determine final roster
0 1222 4325 Reminder for Towels to come to Camp
0 1223 4350 Use Meals Database to create shopping list
0 1223 4400 Cross-reference leftover list with shopping list
0 1224 4450 Shop for bulk food items
0 1224 4500 Print Recipe Book and Meal Sheets
0 1224 4550 Print Schedule and Menu pages
0 1224 4600 Procure Trading Post Items
0 1225 4650 Enjoy holiday; pack
0 1226 350 Redundant or obsolete gear removed for either donation, recycling, or trash
0 1226 4700 Participate in set-up day if desired
0 1226 4750 Coordinate Rides
0 1226 4800 Complete shopping
0 1226 4810 Confirm project day with rangers
0 1227 4850 Execute the schedule until Dec 31
0 1227 7700 Conduct on-site assessment
0 1231 625 Risk: Legacy
0 1231 630 Coordinate service projects with rangers