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The Weekette
Winter Camp Leader's Guide: Task List

The most successful chapter event in history.

The Weekette / Leaderguide / Winter Camp Leader's Guide: Task List

Winter Camp Leader's Guide: Task List

Spice and leftover food inventory created

Deadline: 1231

Display: 100

At the end of camp, food is separated into two main groups: things we can save and things we can't save. Things we can't save are typically placed on a table and taken by campers. Things we don't save are things which would expire before the next camp or things which would require refrigeration to survive.

The items we save are inventoried and typically include dry goods, cleaning supplies, and paper goods. All of them are inventoried to ensure we avoid purchasing them the following year.

Resources: Doug Wilson and Alan Wilson.

Notes on issues with meals are collected at the end of camp and discussed at a post-camp evaluation.

Deadline: 1231

Display: 150

This task typically falls to the youth leader of the current Winter Camp. The meeting is a gathering of the leadership team. They discuss things that went well and things that didn't. In some case, this feedback will disagree with the later evaluations and there will have to be a discussion to identify or interpret the feedback.

Resources: Previous youth leaders.

Notes on issues with activities are collected at the end of camp and discussed at a post-camp evaluation.

Deadline: 1231

Display: 200

This task typically falls to the youth leader of the current Winter Camp. The meeting is a gathering of the leadership team. They discuss things that went well and things that didn't. In some case, this feedback will disagree with the later evaluations and there will have to be a discussion to identify or interpret the feedback.

Resources: Previous youth leaders.

Themes proposed for following year

Deadline: 1231

Display: 250

Often during the closing moment of camp, the evaluation form is distributed and a discussion of themes will take place. We should make note of these ideas so we can consider them for the following year as they are often our best chance to get feedback from youth members.

Resources: Youth leaders, evaluation forms.

Target items for replacement or addition to gear identified

Deadline: 1231

Display: 300

Sometimes gear at Winter Camp become worn and need to be replaced. Other times we identify that a particular piece of gear would be useful for Winter Camp. We try to note these on the last day of camp so we can spend the rest of the year shopping for them to try and get a good deal.

Resources: Doug Wilson, Steve Donohue, Ethan Rein, Jeff Rand, Matt Grimble.

Youth Leader for following year identified

Deadline: 1231

Display: 400

Traditionally, Winter Camp youth leaders self-declare, usually by the end of the previous camp. If it's not done by the end of camp, it will probably happen soon. Luckily, most of the items we complete in January are things we look for the leadership team of the immediately completed Winter Camp.

We could worry about it, but we've never made it to Winter Camp without a Youth Leader.


Adviser for following year identified

Deadline: 1231

Display: 450

Traditionally, Winter Camp advisers self-declare, usually by the end of the previous camp. If it's not done by the end of camp, it will probably happen soon. Luckily, most of the items we complete in January are things we look for the leadership team of the immediately completed Winter Camp.

We could worry about it, but we've never made it to Winter Camp without an adviser.


Identify someone to take home bottles

Deadline: 1231

Display: 500

Like the towels, Winter Camp generates some number of returnable bottles. At the end of camp someone needs to take the bottles home, return them, and then send the money back to Winter Camp.

Resources: This task has recently fallen to Ethan Rein who typically has some space in his car at the end of camp. Doug Wilson has also done it in the past.

Identify someone to take home and clean towels

Deadline: 1231

Display: 550

Winter Camp uses dish towels and clothes to wash tables, dry dishes, and wipe things down. We have a collection of towels and hot pads. At the end of canp, these are bagged or boxed up and sent home with someone to be washed and returned to the following Winter Camp. Experience has taught us it's important to note who has them so we can remind them to bring them back.

Resources: Doug Wilson, Ethan Rein, Kristie Donohue

Collect food samples for historical purposes.

Deadline: 1231

Display: 4175

We have (deliberately or accidentally) collected a food sample from every Winter Camp. Don't let it end on your watch!

Resources: Jeff Rand

Write History

Deadline: 131

Display: 650

At the close of each Winter Camp, we prepare a several paragraph history of camp. It typically includes any major events, new activities, and meals, and anything else which it seems like we'd want to remember later. It always ends with a forward looking sentence or two which focuses on the time to the next Winter Camp.

Resources: This is typically written by the Youth Leader or by one of the advisers. Ethan Rein and Jeff Rand often make time to get this task completed.

Website Update: Planning page for next year

Deadline: 131

Display: 1000

We create a planning page for each year in the /history/(roman numeral) directory. It allows a stream of consciousness conversation and includes important notes and documents leading up to Winter Camp.

Resources: Steve Donohue

Prepare and distribute the post-camp newsletter

Deadline: 131

Display: 1050

If we ran out of time for newsletters at camp, sometimes we make up for the lack with a post-camp newsletter. This one is written and sent to Steve Donohue who includes it in the newsletters section on the Winter Camp website.

Resources: Mark Bollman, Ethan Rein, or Steve Donohue

Evaluation data collected

Deadline: 131

Display: 1100

At the end of Winter Camp, we typically have a paper evaluation form available. Most of our feedback comes from these paper forms. We also collect feedback via direct email and via a Survey Monkey link. The question on the survey are usually open-ended including things like "Which was your favorite?", "How could we improve?", and "What new thing should we do next time?"

Resources: This data has, in recent years, been collected by Ethan Rein

Updated food inventory into menu database

Deadline: 131

Display: 1115

At the end of Winter Camp, we typically take an inventory of things which we believe will still be good the following year. This typically includes spices, canned goods, and paper goods. The inventory can be loaded into the database to make shopping for the next year easier.

Resources: Alan WIlson typically has the inventory and Steve Donohue can help with loading it.

Evaluation data collated and shared

Deadline: 131

Display: 1150

The data collected from the various feedback methods is collected and tabulated. Generally all suggestions are listed with a count showing how common they are.

This is mined later to identify suggestions for new activities, themes, and meals. It is also evaluated to see what improvements have been suggested for activities held that year. Depending on frequency and quality, these improvements are often implemented into the activities and meals for subsequent camps.

Resources: Ethan Rein, Steve Donohue

Meals Database updated with corrections

Deadline: 131

Display: 1200

At the post-camp meeting there will be some discussions of meals which had issues. These are often new meals, but sometimes it's an older meal which has been resurrected and has perhaps always had a food list issue. Typically, this involves changing the number of servings for a recipe, but it might include changing a recipe to include a missing ingredient or providing categories or actual recipes for the meal ingredients. It might also involve adding or subtracting items which didn't go well. It can also include choosing and marking the new Historic Menu item.

Resources: Steve Donohue is the primary for anything in the Meals database. Doug Wilson, Jeff Rand, and Mark Bollman often help with identifying issues.

Activities database updated with corrections

Deadline: 131

Display: 1250

The activities database exists in two places; one is online the other is in Access. The updates on the website are usually conducted by Steve Donohue while the Access version is maintained by Jeff Rand. The updates are typically to add activities which are new and to record that an activity has been held that year.

The primary purpose of these lists is to prepare the Live and Dead lists for the planning meeting as well as to provide some historical content for the Encyclopedia WinterCampica.

Resources: Steve Donohue, Jeff Rand. The WCFS is a frequent source of corrections as are Mark Bollman, Ethan Rein, and the Encyclopedia WinterCampica.

Bottles Returned

Deadline: 131

Display: 1300

Typically Winter Camp has about $20.00 or so in bottles to be returned after camp. Once the bottles are returned, the adviser for the previous year's camp needs the total so the balance sheet can be finalized.

Resources: Ethan Rein and Doug Wilson have been the most frequent returners.

Manual Updated with new traditions and new nicknames

Deadline: 131

Display: 1350

We don't always do a good job with this, but we need to improve. The manual currently looks very dated with the most recent tradition being nearly 30 years old (Winter Camp XV). This is a task this is more difficult as we get further from Winter Camp and so it's one that should be undertaken early.

Resources: Steve Donohue has updated the manual most recently. Mark Bollman often tracks new traditions for the newsletter, and the Youth Leader may have a better handle on what the youth think is a good tradition or nickname.

Final Balance Sheet prepared

Deadline: 131

Display: 1400

Once the money for bottle returns is collected, we can calculate our final balance sheet. On the income side we usually include registration fees, trading post income, bottle returns, and donations. Registration fees include camperships. On the expense side we include cabin fees and food costs. We typically have very little in the way of program costs (because members donate the equipment they need for their activities) but if we had any they would appear here. Once completed, this data becomes part of the history for that year's camp.

Resources: Event Adviser, Steve Donohue

Deliver report on Winter Camp at Chapter meeting

Deadline: 131

Display: 1450

Once Winter Camp is complete, we deliver a final report at the chapter meeting. This report typically includes attendance, service projects, some praise from those who attended camp, and a reminder that the next one is coming and encouraging Arrowmen to attend. This report should be made by the immediate past Youth Leader if possible.

Resources: Previous Youth Leaders, Chapter Chief and Adviser

Report service hours

Deadline: 131

Display: 1500

Once camp is over, we report our service hours to the Chapter Adviser so the chapter can get proper credit; Winter Camp is often a big enough activity to provide a significant boost in hours to our total. The report should include the name and number of hours provided by each member as well as a general description of the project(s) completed by the group.

Resources: Chapter Chief and Adviser.

Provide updates on Social Media

Deadline: 131

Display: 1550

Facebook isn't really the channel of the youth anymore, but it is probably seen by more people than see the Winter Camp website or planning page. Updates to the chapter Facebook page are the most effective; typically these need to be sent to the Chapter Chief or Adviser to be posted. We also provide updates to other channels like Discord and Instagram.

Resources: Steve Donohue, Matt Grimble, Chapter leadership and Chapter secretary adviser.

Create presentation (powerpoint or similar) for Winter Camp promotion

Deadline: 131

Display: 1551

We need to promote Winter Camp at most lodge and area events. A presentation is the lowest effort way to do it.

Resources: Steve Donohue, Matt Grimble, Chapter leadership and Chapter secretary adviser.

Upload photos to Winter Camp Photo Share

Deadline: 131

Display: 1750

As of Winter Camp XLIII, Winter Camp has an account on Shutterfly where we hope to collect all photos prior to publishing them on the Winter Camp website. The site is at and our id is with a password of wc1977I (that last is a capital letter I).

Photos can be uploaded from personal computers or phones at the user's discretion. Any uploaded photo is likely to wind up on the Winter Camp site. Details of uploading photos vary and are left to Shutterfly to explain.

Resources: Steve Donohue for loading. Pretty much everyone but Steve for taking pictures.

Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events

Deadline: 228

Display: 1800

Winter Camp tends to follow the Joe Retzbach school of promotion:"If we aren't talking about ourselves, no one is thinking about us". We mention Winter Camp at every chapter meeting and event with varying tactics. Certainly we bring out flyers and giveaways toward the end of the year. We mention the the planning meeting, social media, and the theme if we know it. We also mention the existence of camperships at most meetings. See the Appendix on Promotions for some tips and tricks.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Promote Winter Camp on social media channels

Deadline: 228

Display: 1805

We promote Winter Camp on appropriate social media sites including those belonging to the chapter to help raise awareness and attendance.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Discuss theme, events, and meals online and in-person

Deadline: 228

Display: 1850

This activity takes place throughout the year, typically from January until the Planning Meeting. These discussions may take place via a variety of online media including Facebook, the Winter Camp planning page, and emails. They also happen at chapter meetings, El Mediodia, and anywhere people gather. Ideally these suggestions are recorded on the planning site so they aren't lost.

Resources: Everyone usually has strong ideas on what makes a good theme and on the theme(s) under discussion. There is no universal theory on themes.

Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events

Deadline: 331

Display: 1900

Winter Camp tends to follow the Joe Retzbach school of promotion:"If we aren't talking about ourselves, no one is thinking about us". We mention Winter Camp at every chapter meeting and event with varying tactics. Certainly we bring out flyers and giveaways toward the end of the year. We mention the the planning meeting, social media, and the theme if we know it. We also mention the existence of camperships at most meetings. See the Appendix on Promotions for some tips and tricks.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Promote Winter Camp on social media channels

Deadline: 331

Display: 1905

We promote Winter Camp on appropriate social media sites including those belonging to the chapter to help raise awareness and attendance.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Discuss theme, events, and meals online and in-person

Deadline: 331

Display: 1950

This activity takes place throughout the year, typically from January until the Planning Meeting. These discussions may take place via a variety of online media including Facebook, the Winter Camp planning page, and emails. They also happen at chapter meetings, El Mediodia, and anywhere people gather. Ideally these suggestions are recorded on the planning site so they aren't lost.

Resources: Everyone usually has strong ideas on what makes a good theme and on the theme(s) under discussion. There is no universal theory on themes.

Conceive event

Deadline: 401

Display: 12345

Think of an idea for an event that will excite youth in your area to participate. Ensure it ties to the aims and mission of scouting. Recruit volunteers to work on planning and staffing the event.


Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events

Deadline: 430

Display: 2000

Winter Camp tends to follow the Joe Retzbach school of promotion:"If we aren't talking about ourselves, no one is thinking about us". We mention Winter Camp at every chapter meeting and event with varying tactics. Certainly we bring out flyers and giveaways toward the end of the year. We mention the the planning meeting, social media, and the theme if we know it. We also mention the existence of camperships at most meetings. See the Appendix on Promotions for some tips and tricks.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Promote Winter Camp on social media channels

Deadline: 430

Display: 2005

We promote Winter Camp on appropriate social media sites including those belonging to the chapter to help raise awareness and attendance.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Discuss theme, events, and meals online and in-person

Deadline: 430

Display: 2050

This activity takes place throughout the year, typically from January until the Planning Meeting. These discussions may take place via a variety of online media including Facebook, the Winter Camp planning page, and emails. They also happen at chapter meetings, El Mediodia, and anywhere people gather. Ideally these suggestions are recorded on the planning site so they aren't lost.

Resources: Everyone usually has strong ideas on what makes a good theme and on the theme(s) under discussion. There is no universal theory on themes.

Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events

Deadline: 531

Display: 2100

Winter Camp tends to follow the Joe Retzbach school of promotion:"If we aren't talking about ourselves, no one is thinking about us". We mention Winter Camp at every chapter meeting and event with varying tactics. Certainly we bring out flyers and giveaways toward the end of the year. We mention the the planning meeting, social media, and the theme if we know it. We also mention the existence of camperships at most meetings. See the Appendix on Promotions for some tips and tricks.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Promote Winter Camp on social media channels

Deadline: 531

Display: 2105

We promote Winter Camp on appropriate social media sites including those belonging to the chapter to help raise awareness and attendance.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Discuss theme, events, and meals online and in-person

Deadline: 531

Display: 2150

This activity takes place throughout the year, typically from January until the Planning Meeting. These discussions may take place via a variety of online media including Facebook, the Winter Camp planning page, and emails. They also happen at chapter meetings, El Mediodia, and anywhere people gather. Ideally these suggestions are recorded on the planning site so they aren't lost.

Resources: Everyone usually has strong ideas on what makes a good theme and on the theme(s) under discussion. There is no universal theory on themes.

Promote El Mediodia

Deadline: 531

Display: 2200

El Mediodia is typically a July event where campers gather to celebrate the coming Winter Camp. We typically encourage anyone interested in coming to Winter Camp or who has been before to attend. In some years, we've combined this event with the Migisi Opawgan Chapter Picnic.

Resources: Michael Bristol, Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Complete Project Charter

Deadline: 601

Display: 7800

The charter is an important step in the approval process for Council.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Dave Oakley have done this for events before.

Recruit Volunteers

Deadline: 601

Display: 12347

Answer the key questions of who, what, when, why and where. Who will accomplish key tasks, What do we hope to accomplished with this event? When will we hold it? Why are we holding it? and Where will it be held?


Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events

Deadline: 630

Display: 2250

Winter Camp tends to follow the Joe Retzbach school of promotion:"If we aren't talking about ourselves, no one is thinking about us". We mention Winter Camp at every chapter meeting and event with varying tactics. Certainly we bring out flyers and giveaways toward the end of the year. We mention the the planning meeting, social media, and the theme if we know it. We also mention the existence of camperships at most meetings. See the Appendix on Promotions for some tips and tricks.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Promote Winter Camp on social media channels

Deadline: 630

Display: 2255

We promote Winter Camp on appropriate social media sites including those belonging to the chapter to help raise awareness and attendance.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Discuss theme, events, and meals online and in-person

Deadline: 630

Display: 2300

This activity takes place throughout the year, typically from January until the Planning Meeting. These discussions may take place via a variety of online media including Facebook, the Winter Camp planning page, and emails. They also happen at chapter meetings, El Mediodia, and anywhere people gather. Ideally these suggestions are recorded on the planning site so they aren't lost.

Resources: Everyone usually has strong ideas on what makes a good theme and on the theme(s) under discussion. There is no universal theory on themes.

Promote El Mediodia

Deadline: 630

Display: 2350

El Mediodia is a July event where campers gather to celebrate the coming Winter Camp. We typically encourage anyone interested in coming to Winter Camp or who has been before to attend. Thus far, we haven't been very successful in getting younger Winter Campers to attend.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Complete Self-Assessment of Short-Term Camp readiness

Deadline: 701

Display: 6700

We have a spreadsheet which shows the requirements and should look through it to identify any gaps before contacting an STCA.

Resources: Steve Donohue, Jeff Rand, and Michelle Matowski are all trained Short-term Camp Administrators

Charter approved

Deadline: 701

Display: 12349

Project charter is approved and approval message received by charter preparer.


Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events

Deadline: 731

Display: 2400

Winter Camp tends to follow the Joe Retzbach school of promotion:"If we aren't talking about ourselves, no one is thinking about us". We mention Winter Camp at every chapter meeting and event with varying tactics. Certainly we bring out flyers and giveaways toward the end of the year. We mention the the planning meeting, social media, and the theme if we know it. We also mention the existence of camperships at most meetings. See the Appendix on Promotions for some tips and tricks.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Promote Winter Camp on social media channels

Deadline: 731

Display: 2405

We promote Winter Camp on appropriate social media sites including those belonging to the chapter to help raise awareness and attendance.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Discuss theme, events, and meals online and in-person

Deadline: 731

Display: 2450

This activity takes place throughout the year, typically from January until the Planning Meeting. These discussions may take place via a variety of online media including Facebook, the Winter Camp planning page, and emails. They also happen at chapter meetings, El Mediodia, and anywhere people gather. Ideally these suggestions are recorded on the planning site so they aren't lost.

Resources: Everyone usually has strong ideas on what makes a good theme and on the theme(s) under discussion. There is no universal theory on themes.

Conduct First Planning Meeting

Deadline: 731

Display: 2500

This meeting Is often held informally. The goal is to determine the final theme, costs, and set key assignments. We may also select a major activity (typically theme related) and begin working towards holding that activity at Winter Camp.

Resources: The best resource for this will be past Winter Camp Advisers and Leaders.

Reserve Cabin

Deadline: 731

Display: 2550

This task is often more difficult than it should be as the camp is officially closed between Christmas and New Years. In the years where it is closed, we need to arrange with the camp manager to use a cabin that week. If it is open, we can use the online registration system provided by the council to reserve our cabin.

Resources: Steve Donohue

Finalize Theme

Deadline: 731

Display: 2600

If we are able to finalize the theme by July, we are typically better able to promote camp starting in August when we conduct our Ordeal and hold the Fellowship. It also means we have the whole fall meeting schedule to get scouts excited about things that will happen at camp.

See the Appendix for a list of themes

Resources: Winter Camp Activity Database, Youth Leader, Adviser

Determine Cost

Deadline: 731

Display: 2650

Cost is typically determined by looking at the previous year's results; if we made a profit of more than $1.01 per person at the previous camp then we likely keep the cost the same. If we expect a change to the cost of cabins or took a loss at the previous camp, then we typically increase the price by some multiple of $1.01. I don't think we've ever deliberately lowered the cost for a future camp.

It's honestly a feeling as much as a math problem. If we feel like we had enough money the previous year, we don't increase the cost - increasing cost is not something we undertake lightly.

Resources: Steve Donohue, Doug Wilson, Jeff Rand, Ethan Rein

Prepare promotional flyer

Deadline: 731

Display: 2700

The promotional flyer typically highlights some of the best things at Winter Camp while explaining the cost and dates. It's different than the registration form because it's an advertisement. See Appendix IV for some previous flyers. Once the flyer is ready, it should be printed to distribute at chapter events, emailed to members and distributed to the web. It needs to be a full court press to get it in the hands of anyone who might need to know what's happening at Winter Camp to decide to attend.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Hold El Mediodia

Deadline: 731

Display: 2750

El Mediodia is an annual event held around the middle of the year. The official date is typically June 29, but it's not critical that we hit that date (in fact, we haven't yet). It's a celebration that the next Winter Camp is closer than the previous one. El Mediodia is a relatively new event and so the details are still a little in flux. Thus far, it's been a potluck picnic at Wilson's, but that may change.

Resources: Doug Wilson, WCFS

Recruit Short-Term Camp Administrator

Deadline: 801

Display: 6800

This is done by asking for one; a list is available at the district level.

Resources: Steve Donohue, Jeff Rand, and Michelle Matowski are all trained Short-term Camp Administrators

Prepare and Submit Registration Form

Deadline: 801

Display: 12351

The form will be used to generate a link in the Council Registration system. We should choose a deadline about 2 weeks prior to camp (December 13ish) to give us time to deal with membership issues. We should also require the BSA ID number to register


Submit Flyers and Marketing material

Deadline: 801

Display: 12353

Submit the marketing materials prepared for the charter for approval and distribution by Council.


Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events

Deadline: 831

Display: 2800

Winter Camp tends to follow the Joe Retzbach school of promotion:"If we aren't talking about ourselves, no one is thinking about us". We mention Winter Camp at every chapter meeting and event with varying tactics. Certainly we bring out flyers and giveaways toward the end of the year. We mention the the planning meeting, social media, and the theme if we know it. We also mention the existence of camperships at most meetings. See the Appendix on Promotions for some tips and tricks.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Promote Winter Camp on social media channels

Deadline: 831

Display: 2805

We promote Winter Camp on appropriate social media sites including those belonging to the chapter to help raise awareness and attendance.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Distribute flyer at Chapter events

Deadline: 831

Display: 2850

Once we have created a flyer, we try to share it at all chapter events including meetings, Ordeals, and the Fall Fellowship. The goal is to make sure everyone has as much awareness of Winter Camp as possible.

Resources: Previous flyers have been made by Michael Bristol, Matt Grimble, and Steve Donohue

Administrator completes initial assessment

Deadline: 901

Display: 6900

This part is completed by a third-party.

Resources: Steve Donohue, Jeff Rand, and Michelle Matowski are all trained Short-term Camp Administrators

Reserve location for planning meeting

Deadline: 930

Display: 2900

If the planning meeting will be held at a public venue, we'll need to make arrangements to use that venue before we start promoting the planning meeting.

Resources: Chapter Adviser, Winter Camp Adviser, Steve Donohue

Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events

Deadline: 930

Display: 2950

Winter Camp tends to follow the Joe Retzbach school of promotion:"If we aren't talking about ourselves, no one is thinking about us". We mention Winter Camp at every chapter meeting and event with varying tactics. Certainly we bring out flyers and giveaways toward the end of the year. We mention the the planning meeting, social media, and the theme if we know it. We also mention the existence of camperships at most meetings. See the Appendix on Promotions for some tips and tricks.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Promote Winter Camp on social media channels

Deadline: 930

Display: 2955

We promote Winter Camp on appropriate social media sites including those belonging to the chapter to help raise awareness and attendance.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Promote Planning Meeting

Deadline: 930

Display: 3000

The planning meeting takes place on the Friday after Thanksgiving. We promote it typically beginning in September. The primary draw is that the youth who attend are able to choose the activities for Winter Camp. A secondary tactic is to point out that youth with good ideas will likely gain access to considerable resources to help bring their ideas to fruition.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Address noted exceptions

Deadline: 930

Display: 7000

The STCA should return their evaluation and for missing items, the Adviser should arrange to complete them.

Resources: Steve Donohue, Jeff Rand, and Michelle Matowski are all trained Short-term Camp Administrators

Contact Rangers to discuss likely projects

Deadline: 1031

Display: 1155

Talking to the rangers early reminds them we’re coming and gives them time to think of some projects they’d like us to complete.

Resources: Service Coordinator and Service Adviser.

Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events

Deadline: 1031

Display: 3050

Winter Camp tends to follow the Joe Retzbach school of promotion:"If we aren't talking about ourselves, no one is thinking about us". We mention Winter Camp at every chapter meeting and event with varying tactics. Certainly we bring out flyers and giveaways toward the end of the year. We mention the the planning meeting, social media, and the theme if we know it. We also mention the existence of camperships at most meetings. See the Appendix on Promotions for some tips and tricks.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Promote Winter Camp on social media channels

Deadline: 1031

Display: 3055

We promote Winter Camp on appropriate social media sites including those belonging to the chapter to help raise awareness and attendance.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Promote Planning Meeting

Deadline: 1031

Display: 3100

The planning meeting takes place on the Friday after Thanksgiving. We promote it typically beginning in September. The primary draw is that the youth who attend are able to choose the activities for Winter Camp. A secondary tactic is to point out that youth with good ideas will likely gain access to considerable resources to help bring their ideas to fruition.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Complete corrective assessment

Deadline: 1031

Display: 7100

Once corrections have been made or questions answered, the STCA should address anything missing. This process coluld be iterative if answers are incomplete

Resources: Steve Donohue, Jeff Rand, and Michelle Matowski are all trained Short-term Camp Administrators

Invite Lodge and Area Key 3 to attend or visit Winter Camp.

Deadline: 1031

Display: 99999

In order to increase the prestige and awareness of Winter Camp, we should invite the members of the Lodge and Area Key 3 to attend camp or at least come out for a day to participate in some activities. This should be extended as a formal invitation, preferably via mail but via email if necessary.

Resources: Lodge and Area websites for names; Lodgemaster for street addresses and email creation tool.

Recruit Kitchen Adviser

Deadline: 1101

Display: 773

Finding people to staff the key leadership roles is a critical task.

Resources: Previous advisers to Winter Camp are probably the best resource.

Recruit Activity Adviser

Deadline: 1101

Display: 774

Finding people to staff the key leadership roles is a critical task.

Resources: Previous advisers to Winter Camp are probably the best resource.

Recruit Kitchen Leader

Deadline: 1101

Display: 776

Finding people to staff the key leadership roles is a critical task.

Resources: Previous youth leaders and advisers to Winter Camp are probably the best resource.

Recruit Activity Leader

Deadline: 1101

Display: 778

Finding people to staff the key leadership roles is a critical task.

Resources: Previous youth leaders and advisers to Winter Camp are probably the best resource.

Send corrective assessment to council

Deadline: 1107

Display: 7200

Once the SCTA has approved our plan, it should be sent to the Council office to be included in our project charter

Resources: Steve Donohue, Jeff Rand, and Michelle Matowski are all trained Short-term Camp Administrators

Promote Planning Meeting

Deadline: 1121

Display: 3101

The planning meeting takes place on the Friday after Thanksgiving. We promote it typically beginning in September. The primary draw is that the youth who attend are able to choose the activities for Winter Camp. A secondary tactic is to point out that youth with good ideas will likely gain access to considerable resources to help bring their ideas to fruition.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Coordinate service day and projects with rangers

Deadline: 1121

Display: 3300

We typically contact the rangers to select a service day. This is a task we often fail at and wind up trying to work around later, so it is important. The rangers will let us know which day best fits their schedule. They may give us a list of likely projects.

If we do get such a list we need to communicate any special clothing or equipment requirements to those attending Winter Camp or coming for the service day.

Resources: Service Adviser, Camp Rangers, and Ranch Director.

Contact Rangers to set day for projects

Deadline: 1121

Display: 3580

The camp is often officially closed during Winter Camp and the rangers may have days off to spend time with their families. We ask early, so they can coordinate a day where at least one of them is ready to help us with equipment and direction.

Resources: Service Adviser and Service Coordinator

Identify any special equipment requirements for projects

Deadline: 1121

Display: 3590

Sometimes the projects we do at camp will require special equipment or clothing. The most common thing is old clothing for painting, but sometimes there are projects where bringing our own hammers and other tools might help.

Resources: Doug Wilson. Matt Grimble and John Ferencz might also be helpful.

Collate new activity ideas from website(s), email, and previous evaluations

Deadline: 1122

Display: 3350

This is a task which provides input to creating the dead and live lists. It typically involves updating the Activities Database. Newly suggested activities are added to the database along with their descriptions. Using the correct creation date (anything in the current year) will guarantee they appear on the live lists.

Resources: This is a task which is often completed by Steve Donohue, although Doug Wilson has also tried his hand at it. It is not typically difficult, but it can be time-consuming.

Collate new meal ideas from website(s), email, and previous evaluations

Deadline: 1122

Display: 3355

This is a task which provides input to creating the dead and live lists. It typically involves updating the Meals Database. Newly suggested meals are added to the database along with their descriptions. Using the correct creation date (anything in the current year) will guarantee they appear on the live lists.

Resources: This is a task which is often completed by Steve Donohue, although Doug Wilson has also tried his hand at it. It is not typically difficult, but it can be time-consuming.

Create dead and live lists prior to the planning meeting.

Deadline: 1122

Display: 3400

There are actually four lists, two each for meals and activities. The live list typically includes anything we've done in the last five years or which has been suggested in the last two years. Any item which doesn't appear on the live list will appear on the dead list.

Typically, these lists are printed and brought to the meeting. There should be 3-5 copies of the live lists and a single copy of the dead list.

Resources: Steve Donohue usually handles this printing. The tools to create these lists are part of the planning suite.

Promote Shopping Trip

Deadline: 1122

Display: 3600

The shopping trip is always held on December 24. Traditionally, it takes place at Sam's Club in Southgate and is followed by a trip to Wendy's where the oldest camper present traditionally buys Frosties for the shoppers. The youngest camper traditionally orders and delivers them to the table.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Conduct final planning meeting

Deadline: 1128

Display: 3450

The planning meeting is traditionally held on the day after Thanksgiving starting around 1:00 pm. Although its often held at someone's home, it can also be held at a public venue like a church. The meeting should be run by the Youth Leader. The goal is to create the schedule and menu for camp and assign people to complete the preparations for the various activities on the schedule.

There's a sample agenda and some notes in the Appendices

Resources: The best resource for this will be past Winter Camp Advisers and Leaders.

Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events

Deadline: 1130

Display: 3051

Winter Camp tends to follow the Joe Retzbach school of promotion:"If we aren't talking about ourselves, no one is thinking about us". We mention Winter Camp at every chapter meeting and event with varying tactics. Certainly we bring out flyers and giveaways toward the end of the year. We mention the the planning meeting, social media, and the theme if we know it. We also mention the existence of camperships at most meetings. See the Appendix on Promotions for some tips and tricks.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Print Winter Camp Manuals

Deadline: 1130

Display: 3250

This is a task where we often fail. The goal of the manual is to give it to anyone who is new to camp so they have some idea what to expect. It should include the schedule and menu. Because much of our registration is conducted online and by mail, distributing the manual to new members can be challenging.

Resources: Steve Donohue

Publish Schedule

Deadline: 1130

Display: 3500

Once the planning is finalized, the schedule should be prepared quickly and published to the website and Facebook. This will let potential attendees see what's planned and may help to drive attendance at the event. It also helps to hold our feet to the fire and ensure we prepare the events we've planned.

Resources: Steve Donohue

Monitor Soda Sales at local stores for good bargains

Deadline: 1130

Display: 3550

Supermarkets often have impressive sales on soda (pop). We know that we'll generally need at least 6 cases between meals and the trading post. To save money, we monitor sales at local outlets and purchase soft drinks when they are on sale.

Resources: Noted miser Doug Wilson has often handled this task in the past.

Spread Information about projects and equipment to membership.

Deadline: 1130

Display: 3570

Sometimes projects will go better if members bring appropriate tools and clothing. If we know a project requires specific equipment, it makes sense to alert members so they can bring it if they own it.

Resources: Doug Wilson knows a lot about tools and equipment. Matt Grimble and John Ferencz can also be helpful.

Print Mitigation Sheets and add to the camp binder.

Deadline: 1130

Display: 6658

Hazard mitigation details should be completed and printed for use at camp.

Resources: Any camper familiar with the activity.

Complete Hazard Mitigation for current activities

Deadline: 1204

Display: 7300

There are tools on the planning website to facilitate this process. The first step is to properly define the activities.

Resources: Steve Donohue can help with this process.

Review assessments, forward to STCA

Deadline: 1205

Display: 7400

Once the Hazard Mitigations are complete, we should have a review before passing them to Council.

Resources: Steve Donohue, Jeff Rand, and Michelle Matowski are all trained Short-term Camp Administrators

Complete final assessment for planning

Deadline: 1215

Display: 7500

The SCTA reviews the Hazard Mitigation plans and provides final pre-camp approval.

Resources: Steve Donohue, Jeff Rand, and Michelle Matowski are all trained Short-term Camp Administrators

Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events

Deadline: 1220

Display: 3052

Winter Camp tends to follow the Joe Retzbach school of promotion:"If we aren't talking about ourselves, no one is thinking about us". We mention Winter Camp at every chapter meeting and event with varying tactics. Certainly we bring out flyers and giveaways toward the end of the year. We mention the the planning meeting, social media, and the theme if we know it. We also mention the existence of camperships at most meetings. See the Appendix on Promotions for some tips and tricks.

Resources: Steve Donohue and Matt Grimble

Spread Information about projects and equipment to membership.

Deadline: 1220

Display: 3107

Sometimes projects will go better if members bring appropriate tools and clothing. If we know a project requires specific equipment, it makes sense to alert members so they can bring it if they own it.

Resources: Doug Wilson knows a lot about tools and equipment. Matt Grimble and John Ferencz can also be helptul.

Final reminder of projects and equipment for members

Deadline: 1220

Display: 3645

Over-communicating isn't really a thing, so ensuring campers know about equipment they might need for the project is a good thing. It’s also possible someone may come to service day for a project if they feel they have a strong contribution to make.

Resources: Youth Leader and Service Coordinator

Address concerns

Deadline: 1220

Display: 7600

If any concerns are raised by the STCA or Council, the adviser addresses them.

Resources: Steve Donohue, Jeff Rand, and Michelle Matowski are all trained Short-term Camp Administrators

Prepare activities

Deadline: 1222

Display: 3650

Once the planning meeting is completed, members will be assigned to do additional development on some of the activities which appear on the schedule. This typically requires some coordination with the Youth Leader and adviser to ensure planning is taking place and to coordinate any equipment needs for the event.

Resources: Depending on the activity, resources for this may include: Ethan Rein, Mark Bollman, Jeff Rand, Doug Wilson, Alan Wilson, or Steve Donohue.

Prepare Meals

Deadline: 1222

Display: 3700

There are two main kinds of preparation required for meals. The first, and more obvious, involves researching appropriate foods to serve based on the meal. This involves searching for recipes which can be prepared at camp with a reasonable amount of effort based on the type of meal (lunches and snacks should be easier to prepare than dinners and breakfasts for example).

The second type of preparation involves creating the ambience required for a thematic meal. This might involve decorations or plans for an activity during the meal.

Resources: Steve Donohue, Doug Wilson, Ethan Rein, and Jeff Rand.

Monitor Activity Preparation

Deadline: 1222

Display: 3750

Winter Camp will distribute activity preparation as part of the Planning Meeting. Members operating alone or in small teams will complete preparations. It is up to the Activities leader and adviser to support this planning and, of course, up to the Youth Leader and Adviser to monitor them. By monitoring this activity, we hope to avoid surprises when things aren't planned appropriately.

Resources: The most likely need for a resource is if the activity planning has stalled. Jeff Rand, Matt Grimble or Ethan Rein are good resources to jump start things.

Monitor Meal Preparation

Deadline: 1222

Display: 3800

Winter Camp will distribute meal preparation as part of the Planning Meeting. Members operating alone or in small teams will complete preparations by either designing activities around meals or by identifying appropriate recipes to support the meal theme. It is up to the Kitchen leader and adviser to support this planning and, of course, up to the Youth Leader and Adviser to monitor them. By monitoring this activity, we hope to avoid surprises when things aren't planned appropriately.

Resources: This is another area where problems come because the person doing the planning is stuck. Jeff Rand, Steve Donohue, or Doug Wilson can often help.

Custom 3D Printing

Deadline: 1222

Display: 3850

For the past several years Winter Camp has been enhanced with plastic souvenirs from grails to medals and more. Designing and printing these items can be time-consuming and so we often start right after (or even before) the planning meeting.

Resources: 3D Printing is most often done by Alan Wilson. It is important to ask early as it can be time-consuming. It is also important to ask as colors can vary widely in price.

Gather recipes for meals

Deadline: 1222

Display: 3900

As new meals are created it becomes necessary to gather recipes for those meals. It is also often necessary to collect recipes for existing meals which aren't always easy to follow. Recipes should be entered into the Meals database. The ingredients should go in the ingredients section above and then the actual text of the recipe (including ingredients) should be entered in the Recipe Information field on the recipe page. This will make them print in the Winter Camp Recipe Book which is important.

Resources: Steve Donohue, Doug Wilson, Jeff Rand

Use Meals Database to create final menu

Deadline: 1222

Display: 3950

The Meals database can be used to create the final menu. Create a new year, then add meals for each of the slots; the Slots are based on day and type and they contain Meals which are a collection of recipes which are in turn a collection of ingredients and recipes. A guide for using the Meal database will be prepared. In the early stages, we don't worry about the quantity of eaters; that comes later.

Once the final menu is complete it should be shared with others to help identify any issues.

Resources: Jeff Rand, Steve Donohue, and Doug Wilson

Prepare and print the Pre-Camp Newspaper

Deadline: 1222

Display: 4000

The pre-camp newsletter is prepared pre-camp but distributed on the first day of camp. It won't have any news but it will include promotional information about the participation award, meals, trivia, and scheduling.

Resources: Mark Bollman

Secure Campership Funding

Deadline: 1222

Display: 4050

Winter Camp offers camperships. This is necessary because we have families with financial difficulties and because Winter Camp takes place right after Christmas, a time when many families are even more strapped for cash than usual.

Winter Camp Camperships are not hard to get. There aren't a lot of forms to complete. Generally if a youth asks for one, we provide one. Sometimes we'll check with a scoutmaster or chapter adviser if it seems like the request may not be necessary, but more often than not we just provide the campership.

Once we know the number, we communicate it to Ron Donohue who typically funds them at the current fee plus $10 to make sure kids attending on a campership can visit the trading post if they feel the need.

We never discuss who is on a campership publicly. In fact, Ron usually doesn't know who they were for; he just knows how many.

Resources: Winter Camp Adviser, Steve Donohue, Ron Donohue

Select catchphrase for previous Winter Camp and prepare new sign

Deadline: 1222

Display: 4100

Each Winter Camp has a catchphrase based on events from that camp; some are humorous and others are serious. Once the short catch phrase is determined we prepare a sign by printing it on paper and decoupaging the paper onto a wooden sign blank. The signs are displayed in the cabin during the week and on the trail to the time capsule ceremony.

Resources: Catchphrase authors include Jeff Rand, Ethan Rein, and Mark Bollman. Jeff has made the signs in the past.

Add Previous Year’s Food Samples to Display

Deadline: 1222

Display: 4150

Each year, Winter Camp collects food samples for the display board. This started as an accident, collecting samples from the meal sheets, but it has turned into a tradition. Campers should put food samples on meal sheets for selection during this process.

Resources: This task is nearly always completed by Jeff Rand.

Arrange for Ceremonial Gear needed for Time Capsule and other ceremonies to be at camp

Deadline: 1222

Display: 4200

In this case, ceremonial gear always includes candles in sufficient quantity to provide lighting on the trail and in the CHR Memorial Site. In some cases, there may be plans for an additional ceremony which could use garb or other items owned by the chapter and managed by the Ceremonies Committee. Those items may be stored in multiple places, so providing sufficient notice is important.

Resources: The best resources are the Chapter Ceremonies Adviser and the Chapter Adviser. Currently our best resource is Brian Mann.

Close registration

Deadline: 1222

Display: 4250

Winter Camp registration is now handled exclusively through the Council’s designated service provider. The registration closes sooner than in the past, around December 20.

Once the registration is closed, data can be imported into Lodgemaster for later use at check-in. The registration data is used as input to the Meals Database to create the final grocery list.

Resources: This task should fall to the registration adviser if there is one. If there isn't then it falls to the Winter Camp Adviser. Steve Donohue has most often served as the registration adviser.

Determine final roster

Deadline: 1222

Display: 4300

Once the registration is closed, a final roster should be determined. It is printed to the website so others can see the numbers and possibly identify anyone who is missing. This data is used as input to the Meals Database to create the final grocery list. Data could also be added to the Roster database at this point but we frequently wait until Winter Camp to complete these updates.

Resources: Registration Adviser, Steve Donohue

Reminder for Towels to come to Camp

Deadline: 1222

Display: 4325

Whomever has taken home the towels to wash them needs to be reminded to bring them back to camp. We have had issues with this in the past.

Resources: Doug Wilson usually writes this down,

Use Meals Database to create shopping list

Deadline: 1223

Display: 4350

Once the food count is known from the registrations, the number of people eating each meal can be updated and this will generate the shopping list for Winter Camp.

Resources: Jeff Rand, Steve Donohue, and Doug Wilson

Cross-reference leftover list with shopping list

Deadline: 1223

Display: 4400

Once we have created the shopping list using the Meals Database, we use the leftover list prepared at the end of the previous camp to identify anything we either don't need to buy or can buy less of. This typically happens the night before shopping at the bulk store.

Resources: This task is often completed when the final menu is prepared and so it has often fallen to Doug Wilson and Alan Wilson.

Shop for bulk food items

Deadline: 1224

Display: 4450

On December 24, we venture to a local bulk food store (typically Sam's Club in Southgate) and purchase items which make sense. We buy things where we need sufficient quantities to justify a bulk purchase. This is typically most of the meat, flour, some canned goods, and some dry goods. We try not to buy things which will take up a lot of space or require refrigeration; some of this is influenced by the predicted weather. Anything not purchased on this trip will be purchased on the 26th.

Resources: Someone with a Sam's Club Card, Kitchen Adviser and Kitchen Youth.

Print Recipe Book and Meal Sheets

Deadline: 1224

Display: 4500

These are generated by the Meals database. The recipe book provides plain language instructions for preparing each element of the meals. The meal sheet includes the exact quantities to use for each meal and shows which other meals will use items.

Resources: Steve Donohue or Doug Wilson

Print Schedule and Menu pages

Deadline: 1224

Display: 4550

Printed copies of the schedule and meals should be on-hand at the start of camp. Printing them before arrival at camp saves time and pressure. We should print one for each experienced camper plus 4 or 5 extras to post on bulletin boards at camp.

Resources: Steve Donohue or Doug Wilson

Procure Trading Post Items

Deadline: 1224

Display: 4600

We typically pick up trading post times as we do our bulk shopping. Over the years we have tried many approaches to the trading post. The current strategy is somewhat minimalist as we've come to grips with the notion that most scouts will bring their own snacks and drinks to camp. We procure some pop and typically some candy.

The current thinking is to try to keep the candy cost low so we can sell it at a nickel in the vending machine without any complex transactions. This helps because it also limits our possible choices to items with a low unit cost. These items are sometimes picked up in post-Halloween candy sales when many things are marked down considerably. In cases where we've already purchased candy and/or pop (see Monitor Soda Sales) this can be ignored.

Resources: Doug Wilson and Mark Bollman for successful items; Doug Wilson and Alan Wilson for things which will fit the machine.

Enjoy holiday; pack

Deadline: 1225

Display: 4650

There is typically little group activity on Christmas. Campers often pack their personal gear (including interesting new gifts) and enjoy Christmas with their families.

Resources: Depends on your family.

Redundant or obsolete gear removed for either donation, recycling, or trash

Deadline: 1226

Display: 350

On December 31, if there is time we should go through the Winter Camp gear and identify things which are no longer useful to us. In some cases this is very obvious since the item hasn't been used. We also try to identify duplicate items and items with excess wear for removal from our gear. Items which are usable by someone else are typically put in boxes for donation. Items which are excessively worn or dirty are consigned to recycling if they can be recycled or to the trash if they can't.

Resources: Doug Wilson, Steve Donohue, Ethan Rein.

Participate in set-up day if desired

Deadline: 1226

Display: 4700

Set-up day is on December 26. Many members enjoy attending although it is a work day and so those coming should be ready to work on things like unloading the attic, setting up the kitchen, setting up the museum, setting up some of the specific activities (particularly those planned for the first day of camp), finishing the shopping, and generally getting things done to make the beginning of camp smooth.

Resources: The most important part of participating here is knowing that you're going to be put to work. It's also key that the adviser know when you're coming to help with rides.

Coordinate Rides

Deadline: 1226

Display: 4750

Although we no longer offer a meeting place for those going to camp, we do offer to help find rides for those who need them. This typically starts in December and ends before Christmas. Mostly we try to compare the data collected on registration forms to people who need rides. It is definitely not a perfect effort as we often find that campers don't provide any information on how or when they plan to arrive at camp.

Resources: Ethan Rein has taken charge of this since we stopped providing a meeting point and car pool services.

Complete shopping

Deadline: 1226

Display: 4800

The Winter Camp Meals database will create a shopping list showing every item. On the 24th, shoppers will converge on Sam's Club (typically) and buy bulk items (typically meat, eggs, flour, and some canned goods. They will mark the items they purchase on the shopping list and then someone who is coming to the setup day collects them at the end of shopping.

Over the years, we've gravitated to doing only bulk shopping before camp. This reduces our need to store things over the holiday which has sometimes been difficult. We typically divide the food we've purchased into three categories: Must be frozen (typically frozen foods), won't be hurt by freezing (mostly dry goods), and must be cold but not freezing (requires refrigeration).

These categories sometimes change based on temperatures expected over the three-ish days between shopping and Winter Camp. Storage for the things that won't be hurt doesn't change, but low temperatures mean refrigerated things have to go inside and higher temperatures mean frozen things have to go in.

This decision is usually made in the parking lot of the store. Generally those coming to shopping know what space they have available and will agree to take things they can manage to keep safe and transport to camp.

Sometime on the 26th, members of the setup crew will converge on a grocery store in Lapeer and complete the shopping. They will typically have more items to purchase than the bulk store as we try not to buy things at the bulk store which require refrigeration or are very bulky. Some of our bulk store purchases will vary based on the predicted weather and the amount of cargo space available. This trip will take between 60 and 120 minutes depending on the skill and number of shoppers.

Resources: This often falls to the Kitchen Adviser. Questions about purchases or substitutions usually go to Doug Wilson or Steve Donohue. Food which requires storage often goes home with Doug Wilson. Sometimes others have stepped into help - it requires both space in a refrigerator or freezer and space in your car to get things to camp; it's also useful if you plan to arrive early enough to make sure we can put the food away.

Confirm project day with rangers

Deadline: 1226

Display: 4810

We confirm they project day with the rangers on December 26. Even if we’ve arranged things in advance, sometimes there are last minute changes (like equipment or supply availability) which need to be accommodated.

Resources: This should fall to the youth leader and adviser. Whomever it is has to be able to speak for Winter Camp so the rangers aren’t left guessing. For the most part, we accommodate them.

Execute the schedule until Dec 31

Deadline: 1227

Display: 4850

This is the most natural part. If the planning has been successful, then all the activities and meals will come together well and it's just a matter of executing the plan which we are typically pretty good at.

Resources: Everyone.

Conduct on-site assessment

Deadline: 1227

Display: 7700

There are a few things that require onsite assessment like the location of first-aid kits, compliance with youth protcection, site concerns, and registration procedures.

Resources: Steve Donohue, Jeff Rand, and Michelle Matowski are all trained Short-term Camp Administrators

Risk: Legacy

Deadline: 1231

Display: 625

This borders a bit on Winter Camp for One, but playing Risk: Legacy has become a tradition that we expect to continue until Winter Camp L. We always write an after-action report on the game. Sometimes it is included in the news, but it always appears in the Yottapedia.

Resources: The one in this Winter Camp for One is Steve Donohue.

Coordinate service projects with rangers

Deadline: 1231

Display: 630

Once we have a count of likely attendance and some idea of our skill base, we contact the rangers again to make final plans for the project.

Resources: Service Adviser and Service Coordinator