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Group Checklist Display

Moms also say: "Wildly underpriced! I'd have gladly paid twice as much to send my boys away for the week."

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Group Checklist Display

At Home Kit

Contents we plan to provide in the Winter Camp At Home Kit.
Created by Steve on 11/13/2020

ItemExpected SourceAcquired
Printed At Home BookletEthanYes
Shopping List (groceries)GroupYes


Mecano for Remote ControlGroupYes
1I've got 15 assorted kits.Steve
Golf BallGroupYes
1I've ordered these. They should arrive the week of the 20th. Zazzle coupons are pretty cool.Steve
Metal puzzles for Quest eventSteveYes
1I have 15 of these too. Dollar Tree is fun.Steve

Casino Games

Poker ChipsSteveYes
1I have 6 sets. They came from Walmart which had the lowest price. I guess we need more.Steve
2I found another inexpensive source and now have 16 sets.Steve
Several 6-sided diceSteveYes
1Mark has 58 dice from Winter Camp XLII. I think that probably covers our needs for 15 or so kits.Steve
Decks of cardsSteveYes
1Found a deal on Amazon. They are coming soon.Steve
Printed Abridged Casino GuideMarkYes


Grit KitGroupYes
Mexican Spice KitGroupYes
Packet of YeastGroupYes
1Packet here probably means a ziploc bag so we all have the same yeast.Steve
2I have 20 strips of 3.Steve D.


USB DriveSteveYes
1I have the physical drives; we just need to figure out what to put on them.Steve

Comments on this list

2020-12-21 00:00:00Delewted two early suggestions: placemats and Kitchamajig. List is complete.Steve D.

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