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Group Checklist Display

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Group Checklist Display

Grits Kit

Items to include in the grist kit we send as part of the At Home kit.
Created by Steve on 11/13/2020

ItemExpected SourceAcquired
Food ColoringGroupYes
1I'm not sure how to do this. We probably only want to give them 1 or 2 colors if we're doing tubes. Is there something else we could use that would be reasonably priced?Steve
2I purchased 8 boxes of assorted food coloring, so we're probably good for 16 kits with 2 per kit.Steve D.
Butterscotch ChipsGroupYes
Chocolate ChipsGroupYes
Brown SugarGroupYes
Mini M&MsGroupYes
Reese's Peanut Butter ChipsSteve D.Yes
Cinammon ImperialsGroupYes
Tiny SpoonGroupNo
1It occurred to me this might be a good job for someone with a 3D printer. I sent a note to Alan and Keith seeing if either of them had time.Steve
2Keith has agreed to do this.Steve
Randomizing InstructionsGroupYes
Plastic ContainerSteveYes
1I have 10 plastic boxes each of which has 12 small cylinders. I believe they'll work.Steve
2I ordered a few more boxes. Hoping they'll arrive soon.Steve D.

Comments on this list

2020-11-18 00:00:00We had white sugar here. I think people might have sugar at home. I've added peanut butter chips instead.Steve D.

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