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The Weekette
Checklist Display

We were holding The Weekette before any of the Star Wars movies sucked

The Weekette / Checklist / Checklist Display

Checklist Display

Personal Equipment List

A list of suggested items to bring to a weekette-long Winter Camp.
Created by Steve Clark on 11/12/2020

____5 Pairs Of Underwear
____10 Pairs Regular Socks
____2 Pairs Wool Socks Or Thermal Socks
____1 Pair Of Shoes Or Sneakers For Indoors
____1 Pair Of Boots For Outdoors
____1 Pair Of Long Johns, Preferably Not Cotton Or Cot
____1 Pair Of Thin Gloves (Stretchy Are Good)
____1 Pair Of Heavy Duty Gloves Or Heavy Mittens
____3 Pairs Of Pants
____Sweaters Or Pullovers
____3-4 Shirts, Short Sleeve
____3-4 Shirts, Long Sleeve
____Sleeping Bag Or Sheets And Blankets
____Shower Gear
____Shaving Gear (If Needed)
____Toothbrush And Paste
____Toilet Paper
____Cards (Optional)
____Candy (Optional)
____Board Games (Optional)
____Deck Of Cards (Optional)
____Hand Warmers (Optional)
____Cd Player (Optional)
____Bottle Water (Optional)
____Magazines (Optional)
____Outdoor Sleeping Gear (Optional)
____Any Other Cool Things (Optional)