Scouting professionals say: "(The Weekette has) ...things down. They are a well-oiled machine."
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Planning MeetingFriday, November 29, 2024 at 1:00pmAllen Park Presbyterian Church6835 Park AvenueAllen Park, MI 48101
The Weekette / Planning / Edit Meal Details
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Meal name:
Describe the Meal: A festive snacke in the Casino, perhaps with some cake.
Your name:
Your e-mail:
Things below this line are optional, but including them is a good idea if you'd like to see your meal served at Winter Camp.
Primary Concept: Food (Cuisine) Setting (Ambience)
Meal Type: BreakfastLunchDinnerSnack
Meal Status: Choose one Active Banned Ill-Conceived
Degree of Difficulty: Choose one Easy Moderate Hard
Preparation Time: Choose one Quick (less than 30 minutes) Easy (30 - 60 Minutes) Average (61-120) Lengthy (more than 120 minutes)
Estimated Cost: Choose one Inexpensive Average Expensive Ridiculous
Equipment Requirements: Choose one Light Average Substantal
Describe the Cuisine (Food) for this meal: Assorted chips, assorted nuts, candy, and sherbet punch.
Describe the Ambience (Setting/Activity) of this Meal: Members load their snacks into cups or bowls and take them to their table so they can continue gambling. The food is just put out in bags on the counter for self-service. .
What special equipment will we need?: Equipment and decor should be in place for casino night. .