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The Weekette
Edit Activity

The most successful chapter event in history.

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Planning Meeting
Friday, November 29, 2024 at 1:00pm
Allen Park Presbyterian Church
6835 Park Avenue
Allen Park, MI 48101

The Weekette / Planning / Edit Activity

Edit Activity

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Activity name:

Describe the Activity:

Your name:

Your e-mail:

Things below this line are optional, but including them is a good idea if you'd like to see your activity held at Winter Camp.

Typical Duration:

Skills Emphasized: Physical Mental Social Creative


Degree of Difficulty:

Preferred Location:



Equipment Requirements:

Why would we want to do this?

What are the basic rules?

Are there any variations we should consider?

What preparation will we need?

What special equipment will we need?

What instructions are there for participants?

Date Added: 20051231

Date Edited: 20051231

Current Theme Associations

Ghost Hunters

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Your name:

Your e-mail: