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Haunted Building Details

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The Weekette / Planning / Haunted Building Details

Haunted Building Details

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Submitted by:Steve D. on 11/30/2024
Held:Not Yet
Typical Duration:60
Skills Required:
Time Frame:Unimportant
Work as:Team
Equipment Needs:Moderate
DescriptionTeams will be given a set of parts with which to build something. They will receive instructions from the haunted typewriter on how to build it without ever seeing the finished product.
BasicsTeams receive parts and then are given written directions on how to assemble them into something they've never seen. Closest wins.
Why is this something we want to do?Who doesn't love following stereo instructions?
Variations:None Submitted
Preparations:Both must be ready to go before the activity. Some instructions can be boiler plate
Equipment List:Haunted typewriter, building kits.
Participant Instructions:Follow the instructions carefully.
Mitigated Risk:IIIE (Details)
Reviewed Date:2024-11-30
Reviewer:Mark Bollman