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The Weekette
2024 Activity Details

The most successful chapter event in history.

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2024 Activity Details

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Detailed Activities


Description: Explain camp to the new and remind the old of the rules.
Preparation: We should have an agenda for the meeting and probably a list of teams to distribute. For those who haven't received them yet, binders should also be on hand.
Basics: Explain camp to the new and remind the old of the rules. Introduce everyone and divide into teams for the week. Create Duty Roster.
Equipment: None Available

4-Way Volleyball

Description: 2 Nets criss-cross creating a nice X. One team is in each side and the game is played much like volleyball
Preparation: Prior to the nets erection, the field should be inspected for hazards like holes or rocks which could result in injuries. If the field can't be cleared, then a different location should be selected.
Basics: Mostly plays just like volleyball
  1. There are four teams instead of two, and two nets are placed across each other to form an X
  2. Scoring starts at 0 and teams get a point every time they make a mistake
  3. Score fifteen points and you're out
  4. Dead courts (areas left vacant by a team being eliminated) are out of bounds
  5. Service is by the team counter-clockwise from the team making the error
  6. We rotate courts any time any team reaches a score divisible evenly by four
  7. If there are only two teams left, they must move to diagonally opposite courts (the Haubenstricker amendment).
Equipment: Nets

Area 51 RPG

Description: Players are assigned to be aliens, skeptics, reporters, etc. and attempt to reveal or hide the truth as appropriate.
Basics: Each player takes on a hidden role in the ongoing debate about aliens. Not only are the players' roles secret from each other but there may be roles that are unknown to start.
Equipment: None Available

Time Capsule

Description: There are several parts to this activity, but the core is that we bury something and several years later we dig it up
Preparation: Campers need to be prepared for a hike on a steep slope. Equipment should be carried which allows the safe collection of candles at the end of the hike. This includes flashlights, thick gloves, and appropriate containers.
Basics: We find some items we think would be significant, including perhaps a letter to your future self. They are loaded in the capsule which is buried with some pomp and circumstance.
Hopefully 5 years later, we dig it up so you can see what you sent yourself.
Equipment: Tape
Things to bury

Possession Game

Description: Each player is given a card. Most of the name have the same word written on them. The goal is for the person with a blank card to figure out what the cards said while the others try to decide who had the blank.
Basics: You can ask questions about the object but not any direct guesses.
Equipment: Cards with the word and one blank.

Blind Hike

Description: Destination Unknown
Preparation: Destinations should be selected to ensure they can be reached safely without creating needless risk.
Basics: Members don blindfolds for this annual Handicapped Awareness experience. All members are blindfolded.
  • Hike cautiously
  • Pay attention to your other senses.
  • Don't remove your blindfold unless there's an emergency
Equipment: Blindfolds

Blind Hike

Description: Destination Unknown
Preparation: Destinations should be selected to ensure they can be reached safely without creating needless risk.
Basics: Members don blindfolds for this annual Handicapped Awareness experience. All members are blindfolded.
  • Hike cautiously
  • Pay attention to your other senses.
  • Don't remove your blindfold unless there's an emergency
Equipment: Blindfolds

Quiet Time

Description: Every night there comes a time when the lights are mostly off and people should speak in hushed voices. This is that time.
Preparation: Everyone should have their sleeping area prepared before light's out. Clean off the junk on your bunk and try to minimize the noise and disturbance you'll make as you get into bed.
Basics: Participants turn off lights in the sleeping areas and prepare for bed. Those who choose not to participate must speak in hushed tones and avoid using noisy equipment.
Equipment: None Available

Service Project

Description: Provide labor for a project to improve camp as designated by the ranger staff
Preparation: Campers should be assigned to projects based on their skill level and age to ensure tools are used correctly and to match capabilities to tasks.
Basics: Stay safe. Don't use dangerous tools. Try to watch out for the person next to you too. Do what the rangers ask (or better).
Instructions: Stay safe and work hard.
Equipment: Rangers will let us know if there are any tools they recommend.

Ghost Hunt

Description: Teams will use the geocaching boxes and clues they find along the way to find D-bar-A's most haunted spots.
Preparation: Determine target locations and some wayfinding points. Deploy clue tokens as needed.
Basics: Use the geocaching boxes and clues found along the way to find the most haunted places at camp.
Instructions: Follow the directions on the box. As you arrive at a location, search for clues and see if those clues provide additional directs.
Equipment: Geocaching boxes
CLue Tokens

Uncle Ethan's Craft Hour

Description: We make something cool with guidance from Uncle Ethan.
Basics: We make something cool with guidance from Uncle Ethan.
Equipment: Depends on the project.

Escape Room

Description: Build our own escape room
Basics: None Available
Equipment: None Available

Haunted Building

Description: Teams will be given a set of parts with which to build something. They will receive instructions from the haunted typewriter on how to build it without ever seeing the finished product.
Preparation: Both must be ready to go before the activity. Some instructions can be boiler plate
Basics: Teams receive parts and then are given written directions on how to assemble them into something they've never seen. Closest wins.
Instructions: Follow the instructions carefully.
Equipment: Haunted typewriter, building kits.

Ghost In The Graveyard

Description: A game similar to tag
Basics: None Available
Equipment: None Available

Talent Show

Description: Who is the most talented camper?
Basics: Show us what you can do.
Equipment: None Available

Quiet Time

Description: Every night there comes a time when the lights are mostly off and people should speak in hushed voices. This is that time.
Preparation: Everyone should have their sleeping area prepared before light's out. Clean off the junk on your bunk and try to minimize the noise and disturbance you'll make as you get into bed.
Basics: Participants turn off lights in the sleeping areas and prepare for bed. Those who choose not to participate must speak in hushed tones and avoid using noisy equipment.
Equipment: None Available

Religious Service (Indoor)

Description: A Scout is Reverent
Basics: Everyone who wants to should attend. Those not attending should not interfere with the activity.
Equipment: Winter Camp Book of Worship.

Scout Skills Contest

Description: Competition in a variety of scout skills.
Basics: The classic examples are probably the pancake relay and knot-tying, although flag pole raising might also be fun.
Equipment: Depends on the exact event.

Cross-Country Ultimate Frisbee

Description: We follow the standard rules of Frisbee Ultimate, but the field is ridiculously large.
Basics: None Available
Equipment: Frisbee

Kim's Game

Description: The standard memory game
Basics: None Available
Equipment: None Available

Ethical Dilemma

Description: Campers will be divided into teams by age to discuss an age appropriate ethical question. After debate, they'll present their decision and reasoning to the group.
Basics: Discuss the challenge presented, reach a decision. Explain the decision and considerations to the other groups.
Instructions: Discuss, conclude, explain.
Equipment: One age-appropriate ethical situation per age group.

Drop-Off Hike

Description: Get dropped off and hike back
Basics: Scouts are dropped off after being blindfolded and work to find their way back to our cabin
Equipment: Blindfolds

Game Festival

Description: We make space and time available to play a variety of tabletop board and role-playing games.
Basics: Various games, no real structure
Equipment: Boardgames
RPG Rulebooks

Quiet Time

Description: Every night there comes a time when the lights are mostly off and people should speak in hushed voices. This is that time.
Preparation: Everyone should have their sleeping area prepared before light's out. Clean off the junk on your bunk and try to minimize the noise and disturbance you'll make as you get into bed.
Basics: Participants turn off lights in the sleeping areas and prepare for bed. Those who choose not to participate must speak in hushed tones and avoid using noisy equipment.
Equipment: None Available

Cross-Country Golf

Description: The Winter Camp classic par 62 hole
Preparation: Rangers/Campmaster should be consulted to determine if the lake is considered safe, prior to the event so we can declare the lakes out of bounds if necessary.
Basics: Test your skills on our Par 62 course. Teams tee off at the Beaver Creek Skills building and attempt to put the ball in the cup, which is located at the nearby BC Field Sports area.
  1. The game is played as teams, with a fixed rotation, kind of like batting order in baseball.
  2. If a player can strike the ball again without moving his/her feet, then they can take a free stroke; this is the Rand Rule.
  3. Most other rules are the same as reqular golf.
Equipment: Golf Balls
Golf Clubs
Golf Bag

Kangaroo Court

Description: Each team accuses the others of a crime. The accused don't know their crime but must defend themsleves
Preparation: Should try to set up a courtroom of sorts.
Basics: Each team accuses one of the other teams of some crime. The teams must defend themselves from the charges by convincing the dictators they are innocent. The catch is they don't know the charges.
Equipment: None Available

Cabin Cleaning Contest

Description: Cheap way to sneak in extra service
Basics: None Available
Equipment: None Available

Time Capsule

Description: There are several parts to this activity, but the core is that we bury something and several years later we dig it up
Preparation: Campers need to be prepared for a hike on a steep slope. Equipment should be carried which allows the safe collection of candles at the end of the hike. This includes flashlights, thick gloves, and appropriate containers.
Basics: We find some items we think would be significant, including perhaps a letter to your future self. They are loaded in the capsule which is buried with some pomp and circumstance.
Hopefully 5 years later, we dig it up so you can see what you sent yourself.
Equipment: Tape
Things to bury

Depart For Home

Description: Pack your things, we're headed home!
Basics: None Available
Equipment: None Available